• LeninsBeard [he/him]
    2 years ago


    But then Pelosi’s visit was confirmed and the mood shifted. News sites ran polls, with almost two-thirds of UDN’s respondents saying the visit was destabilising. Talk radio discussed preparation and escape plans, and walked listeners through their growing anxieties. At one point more than 300,000 people around the world were tracking her flight on FlightRadar24, before the site crashed under load.

    Hundreds of civilians gathered across multiple city sites to welcome or protest against her arrival. Outside the airport, Taiwan independence groups held signs saying “I love Pelosi” and “shut up China”.

    The largest crowd gathered outside the Grand Hyatt, where Pelosi was due to stay. The turnout was larger than any expected and drew a large police presence but remained peaceful. Well organised, vociferous protesters held signs calling Pelosi a warmonger, and chanted “Yankee go home” from across the road. Heavy-set men wandered the crowd wearing body cameras or holding phones aloft, capturing faces among the crowd.

    This is the one I saw. Also lol at the guardian calling them "well organized, vociferous protestors" insinuating they were CPC agents or some shit.