• plov_mix [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Additionally, the day before the Chinese authorities banned (“paused”) imports from more than a hundred food manufacturers in Taiwan — most of them are literally TREATS, like snacks and chips and things. The industry group representing these manufacturers don’t sound very optimistic about where their goods can go instead

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Very shrewd targeting by China. Many Taiwanese snack manufacturers make snacks that are popular to Chinese (inc those in Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, etc) tastes but aren't particularly paletable to other markets.

      It would be relatively simple for Taiwan to find other buyers for its laptops and machine tools. Salted duck egg flavored biscuits? Not so much.

        • plov_mix [comrade/them]
          2 years ago


          But it probably shows how much easier it would be to market Taiwan’s snack stuffs to mainland China than to elsewhere, with an undeniably shared/intermingled language, culture etc.

      • Quimby [any, any]
        2 years ago

        Speak for yourself. If I could get salted duck egg flavored biscuits here for a reasonable price, I would.

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Well I hope for the sake of Taiwanese food business that you are a market of a billion plus people.

    • 20000bannedposters [love/loves]
      2 years ago

      Don't worry Taiwan I'm sure middle America would love your spicy shrimp flavored rice crackers and caramelized fish things.

      (I do like that stuff I'm sure you all know I'm being sarcastic)