
I probably hadn't thought about that awful podcast in over a year. Went over to r/redscarepod out of curiosity, and this was there. I guess they've done a full reactionary heel turn, to literally no one's surprise.

Comments on this indicate it's real, and the commentators, as awful as fans of that podcast are, were dunking on her, too.

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    2 years ago

    And I think the whole red scare / cum town community is like this site’s Oort Cloud for wreckers,

    The folks most interested in wrecking always come in with this intense partisan passion, posting troll-bait and calling everyone a cop or a pedophile or whatever.

    The Red Scare / Cum Town crew never seemed to have that kind of energy. They're more the cynical :sit-back-and-enjoy: wing of leftist politics. Just kinda whining about how everyone sucks and Leftism will never actually work.