There is no number of foreigners that is unacceptable to sacrifice for a middle class livelihood. Anti-cop because they can imagine a scenario where a cop inconveniences them. These principles don't apply to the Waffen SS because they can't imagine a soldier personally inconveniencing them and, of course, foreigners aren't really humans.

  • 69copsinatrenchcoat [they/them]
    2 years ago

    organized crime: notoriously disorganized.

    remember, more than 0 of these groups grew like mushrooms on the corpse of groups like the bpp. these are (for the most part, probably even less than the US military) not raging barbarians or disorganized hordes of angsty teens with machine pistols. don't buy the copaganda.

    • kristina [she/her]
      2 years ago

      i mean, the big crime people™️ near me are like, extremely disorganized lmao. i know them. theyre just less stupid than the cops

      • 69copsinatrenchcoat [they/them]
        2 years ago

        the majority of the organized people I've met have been from chicago or los angeles. and they were pretty on their shit.