There is no number of foreigners that is unacceptable to sacrifice for a middle class livelihood. Anti-cop because they can imagine a scenario where a cop inconveniences them. These principles don't apply to the Waffen SS because they can't imagine a soldier personally inconveniencing them and, of course, foreigners aren't really humans.

  • geikei [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Also beyond the police having near identical demographics to the army the "propaganda" part APPLIES TO PEOPLE THAT JOIN THE POLICE JUST AS MUCH

    Do people really think that anyone that became a police officer more than 5 years ago wasnt exposed to equal ammounts of "police cool and good and badass and protect and are loved by community" propaganda from media and games and movies as the ones that exist for the army. Yet most american leftists use the propaganda excuse to "be sympathetic and understanding" too troops and never about police where they rightfully yell ACAB. Chauvinist brain