There is no number of foreigners that is unacceptable to sacrifice for a middle class livelihood. Anti-cop because they can imagine a scenario where a cop inconveniences them. These principles don't apply to the Waffen SS because they can't imagine a soldier personally inconveniencing them and, of course, foreigners aren't really humans.

  • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The sell is different though I admit I fully could be wrong or just showing my bias. I think it's different to say, you're going to beat down people in your own city, versus being sent overseas and fighting general threats of evil and terror to support the greater good (especially in previous times with little information available). I think the cops or would be cops know intrinsically who they're going to oppress. Military maybe not so much.

    I also think it's why you never see repentant cops but I know plenty of repentant vets who are vocal about the crimes they witnessed.