I've heard this guy being recommended multiple times, it's a shame bc some of his analysis may have some value, but this is inexusible amounts of stupidpol, he has many other endorsements of transphobia and homophbia on his twitter and it's always through the lens of saying gender essentialism is the materialist stance (more dunks in comments)
“Trust me bruh this guy might be a eugenists and strasserite but you should really hear him out”
- you, an oaf
How the fuck is Cockshott a Strasserite lmao. And eugenicism? You're just pulling words out of your ass now.
my point is if someone has dogshit takes on marginalized people, then he is probably not coherent on his other lines of thinking
you wouldn’t take a modern author seriously if he was an anti-semite, misogynist, or openly racist. being homophobic or transphobic is no different
well at least, I wouldn’t take a living author seriously. You sure seem to have a vested interest.
Clarified that since you struggle with reading comprehension. You’re welcome fucko