• betelgeuse [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Sorry physicists, no amount of fundamental particles will bring fulfillment. You found the higgs. Now you need to find another. And there will only be another after that one. So on and so forth. When you run out of particles you'll look for that of what makes particles. It'll never stop because there's always another question. Knowing the secrets of the universe's mechanics will not make you happy. What will make you happy is applying physics for the material benefit of your society. Using it to throw off the chains of capitalism.

    • CliffordBigRedDog [he/him]
      2 years ago

      the only way to overthrow capitalism with a physics degree is to join the Chinese/DPRK nuclear programme


      • betelgeuse [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        A lot of physics is done privately in the US. If physicists of all stripes were to unite and withdraw their labor then capitalism would have no ability to do R&D. The astrophysics and particle physics are a very small part of the "physics industry." They could brain-drain capitalism but they won't because they're only materialists when it comes to nature. As far as society goes, they might as well believe in magic.

        • comi [he/him]
          2 years ago

          The scientists strike is completely impossible, because they don’t have leverage. If the whole science (studying fundamentals, but applied probably as well) were to strike, you would see downstream effects maybe 5 years later, and effects would be only comparative ones -we didn’t make new thingy which somebody else discovered. You don’t need scientist to make something you know how to make

    • Chapo_is_Red [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Sorry physicists, no amount of fundamental particles will bring fulfillment. You found the higgs. Now you need to find another. And there will only be another after that one. So on and so forth. When you run out of particles you’ll look for that of what makes particles.

      thank you! Someone needs to teach these physicists the four noble truths

      • betelgeuse [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        Even when two statements have the same structure, their meanings aren't interchangeable. When a capitalist says a job should only exist because it's profitable, they're asking that only the jobs they can exploit exist while others of little value don't. That's clearly not what I'm saying.

        I explain further in another post

        A lot of physics is done privately in the US. If physicists of all stripes were to unite and withdraw their labor then capitalism would have no ability to do R&D. The astrophysics and particle physics are a very small part of the “physics industry.” They could brain-drain capitalism but they won’t because they’re only materialists when it comes to nature. As far as society goes, they might as well believe in magic.

        Asking physicists to strike and leverage their labor for the benefit of a socialist movement is not the same as asking them to develop iphones and drones so your billion-dollar company can turn a buck.

    • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
      2 years ago

      At this point they're looking for particles that almost certainly don't exist, like theoretical super-symmeteic partners of the current particle zoo. They've been searching for decades and nature keeps saying "nope, that's not how I work" and scientists keep looking anyway.