L'Internationale :france-cool:

The Paris Commune was established on 18 March 1871, but its roots can be traced right back to 1848, when a wave of democratic revolution originating in France washed across the European continent

In France, the democratic revolution was defeated in a matter of months, ending with the bloody suppression of a workers’ revolt protesting against the closure of the national workshops in June 1848. Despite this, the street fighting of this period laid the foundations for the establishment of an autonomous French workers’ movement, which operated independently of the centrist bourgeois political parties—a key prerequisite for the formation of the 72-day-long “Republic of Workers” in 1871.

Following the defeat of the uprising, however, a military dictatorship initially asserted control, before handing the reins to Napoleon III a few months later. East of the Rhine, in a fragmented Germany, monarchic powers were also able to put down revolutionary efforts and defeat the democracy movement. The latter’s demand for German national unity was subsequently co-opted “from above”, redefined and positioned as a project designed to suit the Prussian-led response. The policies pursued by the Prussian crown were geared towards preserving monarchic power while also seeking to unify Germany, this would led to the Franco-Prussian War.

During the Franco-Prussian war the then Emperor Napoleon III was capture during the Battle of Sedan. This sudden defeat sealed the fate of the Second French Empire, but did not signify the end of the war, with the Prussian troops marching onwards towards Paris with the aim of capturing it.

Following the defeat at the Battle of Sedan, the Third Republic was proclaimed in Paris, despite a complete lack of democratic legitimacy. Although the empire’s political and military failures meant it had been discredited, the Republic did not act to remove the monarchy. According to Marx, the measures taken by the government were evidence that they had “inherited from the empire not only ruins, but also its dread of the working class”.

By the beginning of October 1870, Paris was under total siege, beset on all sides by Prussian forces, and attempts to break the siege line with troops from the provinces had also failed. At the end of January 1871, Jules Favre, minister of foreign affairs for the Provisional Government of National Defence, signed an armistice with the newly formed German Empire

The armistice treaty stipulated that only a freshly elected National Assembly would have the power to ratify an eventual peace treaty. The assembly first met on 12 February in Bordeaux—far removed from the nation’s capital, which remained in a state of total siege by German troops.

In Paris, both the choice of location for the National Assembly as well as the make-up of the new government were viewed as betrayals of those who had spent months defending the capital against the siege.

In order to defend Paris against the German troops, in September 1870 the Thiers-led government had reorganized the National Guard and enlisted unemployed men into its regiments. This led to a change in the military’s demographic character; National Guard soldiers deposed their officers, elected new commanders from within their own ranks, and also established their own governing body, the Central Committee of the National Guard.

Having failed to capture the cannons and surprised by the workers’ resolve, Thiers decided to decamp the capital and head to Versailles, accompanied by his government and loyalist army regiments. That they were able to flee the city with ease was due to the fact that the National Guard battalions—anticipating a renewed attack by government forces—had barricaded themselves in their neighbourhood strongholds or otherwise directed their movements to avoid a confrontation.

As the sun set over Paris that evening, power in the French capital essentially resided on the streets. Given this situation, the National Guard’s Central Committee decided to cobble together a provisional government. The majority of the Parisian population first learnt of the shift that had occurred in their city the following morning, when the Central Committee occupied the Hôtel de Ville, raised a red flag, and addressed the city’s residents with their first proclamation:

You charged us with organizing the defence of Paris and of your rights.

We are conscious of having fulfilled this mission: aided by your generous courage and your admirable calm, we have chased out the government that betrayed us.

At this time our mandate has expired, and we yield it, for we don’t claim to be taking the place of those who a revolutionary wind has just overthrown.

So prepare and carry out your communal elections, and as a reward give us the only one we ever wished for: seeing you establish the true republic.

In the meanwhile, in the name of the people we will remain at the Hôtel-de-Ville.

The provisional government’s first official act was publishing a call for elections to determine the make-up of the Commune Council. The revolution of the previous day had laid the foundations for a French republic that would permanently “mark the end of the era of invasions and civil war”. Additionally, the Central Committee saw itself as the force that had defended Paris and one which would now return control of the city to its residents through the council elections.

The election took place less than ten days later, on 26 March; just two days later, the Paris Commune officially came into being. Given the urgency of organizing an election within such a short timeframe, there was scant discussion about the Commune’s actual political programme in those first few days. For this reason—according to Prosper Lissagaray, himself a Communard—votes were primarily cast based on name recognition. Consequently, the Commune Council ended up comprising a colourful mixture of Jacobins, socialists, anarchists, Romantics, and representatives of the bourgeoise opposition to Napoleon III. This meant that the Commune included powerful factions that took their political inspiration from the concepts of the bourgeoise French Revolution of 1789 right alongside proto-socialists, anarchists, and Marxists. This diversity of political positions was reflective of the century of class struggle that had preceded the founding of the Commune.

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  • GinAndJuche
    6 months ago


    I left the door open before work and she just was meowing next to her (full) food bowl when I walked in. I put the food back into the large Tupperware thing and poured some back out and she was very pleased.

    Many thanks to everyone who sent advice, cat finding info, and words of kindness / encouragement.

    Seriously, all of you made this a lot easier to deal with.

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      6 months ago


      I'm so relieved. That was weighing on me IRL. Been there on a few occasions and experienced coming back, knowing why they didn't and just never knowing and I only wanna see the first one happen. Give em some behind the ear scritches for me!


      • GinAndJuche
        6 months ago

        Hell yeah comrade.

        I think she’s on her favorite spot rn (under my bed). I’ll go lure her out with treats and sneak a pic. Can’t have people not get to see the cute kitty they helped me get back.

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          6 months ago

          I was gonna ask if I could get a pic. Nice to put a face to things. Take your time and whatnot tho. I'm sure she might need some chill time.

          • GinAndJuche
            6 months ago

            I have no clue how long she was home before I got here. Anyways, here she is chilling after I coaxed her out a couple minutes ago. Try much a “put a face to it” pic lol. She loves phones (probably because she sees that I use my mine so much and wants in on it)


              • GinAndJuche
                6 months ago

                She does this cute thing where she leans forwards and loses her balance whenever she goes for a head rub. She normally very elegant when moving, but is clumsy as hell when trying to stay still. Her balance must be so off when she poses like that.

                • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
                  6 months ago

                  Awwww! Darby does that but sideways, her tail was wack from birth and was installed sideways on the second joint and onward so it goes up one and then flops to the left, it's never given her issues and it's cute as hell but she is balanced a little weird. I think she just likes to blast her full weight into a face rub though, rubbing her face on my stubble is her favorite.

                  • GinAndJuche
                    6 months ago

                    That’s very cute, she’s like an anime protagonist. Born a little a different but it makes it her special.

                    I bet cats enjoy the texture, they have whiskers too after all

                    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
                      6 months ago

                      Here's a blur cause it's the best I could do to get a good angle on her tail to sorta show it.


                      Like the letter J upside down. It's cute. She had an x ray before and her bones just go sideways for a bit. She can't move it much but she has never seemed to care.

                      • GinAndJuche
                        6 months ago

                        Aww, she’s like just the right size and has a pretty patterns

                        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
                          6 months ago

                          Thanks! She was the runt and never got that big, but she's pushing 9 and is for all intents and purposes still a kitten. Hasn't slowed down a bit.

                          • GinAndJuche
                            6 months ago

                            That’s awesome, kittens are tiny and fluffy but it’s ultimately the kitten behaviors that are cutest imo. The zest for life or something

                            • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
                              6 months ago

                              Yeah, cats can get loafy. She plays with her toys when I'm at work and also leaves one on the couch where I normally sit, on my bed in my normal sleep spot and next to the toilet for me when I get back. We generally do a solidnhalf hour of play time too. She's a master of ambush. I can dangle a toy on a string and instead of just going for it, she'll find different hiding spots and approaches and will get pretty creative at timed.

                              • GinAndJuche
                                6 months ago

                                That’s awesome, a hunter at heart and thoughtful as well (what if you get bored and want a toy to play with on the toilet).

    • DyingOfDeBordom [none/use name]
      6 months ago

      hell yeah dude I'm so glad

      i would be so distraught if either of our cats got out even though I have a love hate relationship with the fat one who steals food

      • GinAndJuche
        6 months ago

        Haha, her siblings food or your food?

        Congrats on successfully keeping them inside, it’s worth it.

        • DyingOfDeBordom [none/use name]
          6 months ago

          Her siblings food :c which makes me sad because the other cat is so smart but such a lil smol bean, she's 1/3rd of the other cats size and although we found her on the street i can't help but feel the big cat's theft of food stunted her growth

          We obviously try to stop the big cat from stealing food but she's really observant and sneaky and will literally start chowing down the moment she's unsupervised and sometimes it's hard to remember "oh i need to hide this food to go pee for 30 seconds"

          And the little cat is a real snacker. She'll eat a bit and leave and it's like... eat your food dummy! Don't blame me when you're hungry later!

          She seems to have some kind of anxiety with eating because she'll eat better if I like put my hand on her back and just chill. Which is sweet and adorable but I can't always do that :c

          • GinAndJuche
            6 months ago

            Ahh, she knows her food is safe is when you’re with her.

            I used to have an absolute bully of a tomcat (named Tommy, I’m very creative) and the only thing that worked was controlled instead of free feeding with them separated by a door.

            He was also a rescue, but he was an avid hunter until I learned the import of keeping him inside so think he was doing fine just being a murder machine based off his mass (legit looked like I was putting whey in his cat food until he got old).

            If she was kitten teenage by the time you found her, it probably was the rough kitten hood, but that’s just a guess.

            Magnolia, the up until recently lost kitty, was living in a store parking lot and she was very tiny for her age based on the vets estimate of her age. She grew a bit once she had regular meals but must have missed a growth spurt or two because it wasn’t much.

    • Zrc
      1 month ago

      deleted by creator

      • GinAndJuche
        6 months ago

        Precisely the emote I couldn’t remember the :x: code for