Every once in a while I get really passionate about some topic of study or a project, dive into it head first, devote all my (hopefully spare) time to it. Occasionally it has even been detrimental to my wellbeing. Like once I permanently fucked my stomach by skipping too many meals during a week long programing project.

Yet, nine out of ten times the whole shebang doesn't amount to anything. After a week or so I loose all interest and drop the whole thing.

Now, I'm getting one of those obsessions about learning a language and it got me thinking about the best way to deal with it. Maybe I should try pacing myself, stop myself from spending too much time everyday learning and maybe it will prevent me from burning out and losing interest in a week or two? Maybe trying to cram information into your brain ten hours a day is not an effective way to learn? Or maybe it's the opposite and the smart thing is to use this short period when I'm excited and eager to study to learn as much as possible?

Do any of you guy have experience with something like this?

  • Coca_Cola_but_Commie [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I try to work on it sometimes and I enjoy it when I actually sit down and do it, but I always find ways to avoid it, because what if it’s not any good?... it doesn’t leave me alone – I feel guilty and it’s always prodding the back of my mind

    Damn but if that doesn't describe me to a T. The weirdest part is, like you said, I know I enjoy writing. Once I start, I get lost in it. Finally summon up the courage to write, say to myself I'll only write a line or a paragraph because if I'd do that every day it'd amount to something, then I'll write a thousand words. But actually starting is so hard. And I know if I could find the discipline to just push through the fear and do it every day I'd be better off—even if I never publish anything I'd still be better for it, I think—but it's so much easier to surf the web, or play a game I've already played before, or listen to podcasts, or watch YouTube (hell, sometimes I even read books) than it is to actually do something difficult.