The government has destroyed people's lives for over eighty years with cannabis criminalization. They've raked in untold trillions off fundraising, scare tactics, donations and lobbying.

Libs are already negotiating against themselves by saying that. They think the government is going to tax the weed and somehow not use the money for the defense budget?

I can't really pinpoint why this one really sticks in my craw.

Its like the old saying goes: "give a liberal a magic lamp, and they'll negotiate down to one wish and use it for something they think Republicans would like"

  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
    2 years ago

    You're right, corporations will necessarily profit from the legalization of any drugs, and that profit system will need to exist before legalization can ever happen. It's the way the system works, unfortunately.

    • CrimsonDynamo [he/him]
      2 years ago

      It's so unfortunate.

      Here in Michigan, they had a pretty good thing going where regular people would get a license to grow, and "sell" it through a "club" that was basically a dispensary that ran like a co-op. It was a lot more farm to table, while still being convenient for people who don't want to meet some weird dude down a two-track.

      Then they threw out all of those rules, and now there is this weird system where out of state growers have been opening chain dispos with crappy, old weed that they (illegally, mind you) moved across state lines.

      The result is this in between situation where a bunch of libertarian small business PMC types have set up businesses that grow their own, and have their own stores.

      It's actually not the worst system, but it's still highly branded and a lot of.places give out a bunch of plastic "swag" or have single use plastics for all of their packaging.

      • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
        2 years ago

        no doubt that sounds incredibly shitty, but it's still miles ahead of any state that hasn't decriminalized or legalized. From my perspective, regardless of the flaws, it's immensely better than sending children to prison for a decade because they had three sacks of weed on them.

        • CrimsonDynamo [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Oh, absolutely. I just think if it's done right, everyone (except for corporate interests) can win. It's part of the overlying theme of "seize the means of production"