• FuckItNewName [they/them]
    2 years ago

    NGL as soon as I saw it was foster kids, I believed it immediately. The amount of abuse foster kids face in the US is harrowing. Even if this one isn’t true, this shit happens. But this reeks of a cover up to me. They prosecuted the accusers for perjury and threw them in jail

    • BeamBrain [he/him]
      2 years ago

      This sort of thing makes me wonder if the Satanic Ritual Abuse moral panic was an op to preemptively discredit people who uncovered the actual organized pedophile rings in the Anglosphere

      • FuckItNewName [they/them]
        2 years ago

        I still remember before Pizzagate had coalesced into a single narrative, there was a lot of virtual labor being put into amateur research on child sex trafficking. And maybe I’m misremembering or just wasn’t on the “right” parts of the internet at the time, but that Comet Ping Pong attack happened and suddenly everyone who was following these email leaks and digging through them also seemed to believe this one very specific interpretation of everything. The libs and normies thought that “Pizzagate” meant stochastic terrorist who makes up fake basements. And iirc that movement later coalesced into QAnon, which is definitely an op of some kind.

      • Mrtryfe [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        There's enough evidence to suggest the beef between Temple of Set/Aquino and Church of Satan/Lavey, which featured heavily in the panic, was in all likelihood an op to deflect from larger networks of this shit. Aquino himself had deep military and intelligence connections. Rupert Murdoch heavily pushed the satanic panic nonsense with his media networks for a reason.

    • SuperDullesBros [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      I worked extensively with foster kids over the last 4 years and the MAJORITY had suffered physical and sexual abuse. Shit fucks up kids so bad

          • FuckItNewName [they/them]
            2 years ago
            I super get it if you don’t wanna engage with even more stories of foster kids being abused given that you seem to do so a ton already, but this one’s an experience that stands out to me

            My brother was placed with us when he was less than a year old. He had a cast on his leg because (and this is speculation because the previous foster dad denied doing anything) he’d been repeatedly slammed against a wall and then his leg was broken over someone’s thigh. The doctor said that his bones were still so flexible that for the break to be this bad it would have had to be intentional sustained pressure. Kid has major anger issues now but he can’t remember the trauma so it’s hard to work through. I just don’t understand opening up your home to a kid and then taking out so much anger on them. I think we have a picture of him somewhere with his eye still swollen shit. And he needed PT for a while because he learned to crawl in a cast