Waltuh, if I was going to support a revolution, it would be the one feeding the kids. Now what you're gonna do, Waltuh, is pick up a copy of Blackshirts and Reds. It can be physical, ebook, whatever. You're gonna crack it open, page one, foreword. Give that a read. Then, next page. And the one after that. Anyone asks you what you're doing, you tell them to touch grass and keep reading.
Parenti is slowly morphing into Mike Ermantraut from breaking bad
Bernie. Put your warmongering away Bernie.
Waltuh, if I was going to support a revolution, it would be the one feeding the kids. Now what you're gonna do, Waltuh, is pick up a copy of Blackshirts and Reds. It can be physical, ebook, whatever. You're gonna crack it open, page one, foreword. Give that a read. Then, next page. And the one after that. Anyone asks you what you're doing, you tell them to touch grass and keep reading.
To Mao, on the Cultural Revolution: "You used a half measure, when you should have gone all the way"