Yeah. I cant tell white ppl apart either. Good bit though.
we are sometimes the worst parts of reddit and leftbook put together. ok maybe not the worst parts, but we eat up fake stuff so often
This site is pretty good but falls for bait so, so often. It's pathetic, honestly. So much of "I heard this thing on Twitter that might be true, but I'm too lazy to check, so I'm just going to post it here". Then all the comments say things like "Wow what an asshole!" :so-true: and when someone asks them if they are actually going to check if it's true or not they'll say "I'm also too lazy to check!"
we also have a pretty bad problem of only reading the headlines
mods need to start enforcing some rules around posting fake "meme" posts.
the look only vaguely similar, but it's still a funny post
Even less fortunate reminder: In the United States, the first federal law to ban the for-profit production and distribution of child pornography was the Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation Act of 1977.
George Lucas and Steven Spielberg grew up in the libertarian country, and it gave them libertarian brain worms. Hopefully they grew out of them at some point in the last forty years.
Parenti is slowly morphing into Mike Ermantraut from breaking bad
Waltuh, if I was going to support a revolution, it would be the one feeding the kids. Now what you're gonna do, Waltuh, is pick up a copy of Blackshirts and Reds. It can be physical, ebook, whatever. You're gonna crack it open, page one, foreword. Give that a read. Then, next page. And the one after that. Anyone asks you what you're doing, you tell them to touch grass and keep reading.
To Mao, on the Cultural Revolution: "You used a half measure, when you should have gone all the way"
He said the rebels in Star Wars were based o the North Vietnamese Army and the Empire was the US
I had assumed that the statement was just impulsive venting about getting his films funded. But given this additional context, I guess Lucas is based.
George Lucas is the closest you can possibly get to being a "good" billionaire.
UllesysT's post should be all you need to know to inform you just how far that gets you
George Lucas is the closest you can possibly get to being a “good” billionaire.
He's basically the perfect example of it. Instead of solidarity with the rest of the bourgeoisie, he gets in fights with NIMBYs and pushes to build affordable housing in wealthy areas.
Wait is that first part real? Did Lucas really meet Parenti and post about it?
No lol I just found a guy who looked like George Lucas at first glance while looking for a picture of Parenti
No body shame but George Lucas got the worst double chin of all time. Google his chin and there's some doozies