King Charles III’s funeral plans have been unveiled amid his battle with pancreatic cancer, and the palace is ready to put Operation Menai Bridge in place.
It will be even funnier if it turns out that that that Rose Cholmondeley whatever's first kid was actually William's, he marries her to legitimize the bastard after Kate gets 'd and the Poms start a whole new war of succession
Parasitic lich Liz had to drain the life expectancy of every future royal for the next 200 years to get as old as she did, this is the natural consequence
oh fucking lol it's pancreatic cancer?
it'd be so funny if england went straight from the oldest queen ever to a monarch dying every other year
At this rate our comrades won't have to kill any of the royals themselves, they'll do it for them!
It will be even funnier if it turns out that that that Rose Cholmondeley whatever's first kid was actually William's, he marries her to legitimize the bastard after Kate gets 'd and the Poms start a whole new war of succession
Charles' coffin is being paraded into the Abbey and suddenly Rains of Castamere starts playing.
Parasitic lich Liz had to drain the life expectancy of every future royal for the next 200 years to get as old as she did, this is the natural consequence