I have no real evidence, credentials, or any meaningful gravitas to back me up here but personally my guess is that Miami could be 95% underwater and people will just ignore it and build new god awful car centric suburbs 2 miles inland while denying there's even a problem
I have no real evidence, credentials, or any meaningful gravitas to back me up here but personally my guess is that Miami could be 95% underwater and people will just ignore it and build new god awful car centric suburbs 2 miles inland while denying there's even a problem
looks at the southwest
yup :this-is-fine:
average phoenix resident in 2034 suggesting to build a pipeline to the Hudson river for more water
[They're still growing alfalfa for export to Saudi Arabia]
im so fucking here for mad max chuds resurrecting NAWAPA (ive always been for it because marvelling alien archaeologists is cool :posad: )