Man kan finne et par ting på og Netflix, og man kan finne noen veldig korte fan-skapte versjoneringer (fandubs) på YouTube, men i det hele finnes det ikke mye som er lett å finne. Norske Dubber Wiki har mange anime som jeg kan ikke finne på noen av de tre nevnte tjenestene.

Men som sagt, til og med norsk tekst er bra nok for meg. Jeg vil bare redusere min avhengighet på det engelske språket, slik at jeg kan forbedre min norsk og forbedre min japansk samtidig. Selvfølgelig kunne jeg selv skapt undertekstene og delt dem, om ingen andre har gjort dette arbeidet allerede — jeg er bare litt redd for at jeg ville gjort mange grammatiske feil (fra andres perspektiv, i det minste). Om jeg hadde en korrekturleser ville dette kanskje ikke vært et problem...

One can find a few things on and Netflix, and one can find a few very short fan-made dubs (fandubs) on YouTube, but as a whole there isn't a lot that's easy to find. The Norwegian Dubs Wikia (Norske Dubber Wiki) has many anime that I can't find on any of the three aforementioned services.

But as said, even Norwegian subs is good enough for me. I just want to reduce my reliance on the English language, so that I can improve my Norwegian and improve my Japanese simultaneously. Of course, I could make the subtitles myself and share them, if nobody else has done this work already — I'm just scared that I'd make a lot of grammatical mistakes (according to other people, at least). If I had a proofreader this maybe wouldn't be a problem...

  • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
    6 months ago

    Yeah, that's the problem with my existence, I always feel like (and am often proven correct that) people will assume that I am some foreigner learning Norwegian as a second language for heritage reasons, or maybe a first-generation immigrant, when in fact Norwegian is one of my native languages. It's basically just a combo of autism stuff and having my only living parent be a US-born immigrant that has resulted in my Norwegian lagging significantly behind my peers, and that's given me a bit of a language complex. Even when I meet people in person they'll remark on my accent, and subtly doubt that I was really born here, it's honestly humiliating and I want to do something about it.

    I was going to share an effortpost about this stuff but I can't find the right words for it even after like three drafts