7.5k likes. Americans are the smartest people

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    2 years ago

    Blue States Have:

    • most of the people

    • most of the advanced domestic capital

    • most of the professional jobs (doctors, lawyers, tech, etc)

    • most of the corporate offices

    Red States Have:

    • most of the undeveloped real estate

    • most of the agricultural real estate and jobs

    • most of the natural reserves (water, unmined ore, undeveloped fossil fuels, forests, wildlife, etc)

    • most of the Gulf Coast shipping traffic

    • most of the retirees

    • most of the military bases and industry

    I feel like there's a reason we've got a net cash flow from Blue to Red states and its not just because Republicans are better at pork spending. Its almost as though there's some kind of symbiotic relationship between the two political regions. And breaking that relationships will not make life easier for residents of either region.