13 Sentinels is a JRPG released in 2020 for the PS4 and 2022 for the Switch. It was developed by Vanillaware and produced by Atlus. The game follows 13 characters using sentinels (mechs) to defend the planet from being destroyed by an unknown force. It's split between side scrolling story segments and real time strategy combat.

The story takes place in different periods of time in a nonlinear structure. You gradually unlock more characters as you go, showing different perspectives on events you've already seen and expanding on previous dead ends. The story is really best experienced with as little information as possible, so I'll be purposefully vague here. There are many twists as it goes and some are pretty shocking.

The gameplay plays out in real time combat against waves of enemies. There are four different types of sentinels and you can usually choose whoever you want in your party for each mission. You can customize the sentinels in terms of abilities and stat points, so there are many ways to approach fights. You're graded by damage taken, damage prevented from the city, and time taken. The points you earn from a higher grade in battle can be used to unlock archive entries that compile plot points for reference. There are a lot of names and parts of the story to remember throughout the game, so this is actually more helpful than it sounds. A highlight for me personally, is all of the voice lines for each combination of pilot you can have in your party. Having the characters communicating (yelling) at each other as the intensity builds is a nice touch.

It's too bad it's not out for PC, but I recommend it for JRPG fans and fans of (general plot theme spoilers)

time travel and generally weird distortion over time.


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  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    I just spent the last three hours having to give witness testimony to the police because my brother gave a sexpat a concussion. The guy grabbed my sisters ass and said "sexy mami." My brother then grabbed the guys head and threw it so hard into a brick wall that I saw two of his teeth fall out as he started to convulse. Three hours later and my brother gets off free while the sexpat ended up staying in jail because the police found ecstasy on him. It's never boring over here lmao

    • Sandinband [any, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      Sorry your sister experienced that :meow-hug:

      Your brother is based and im glad the sexpat suffered :rat-salute-2:

    • Ideology [she/her]
      2 years ago

      This is some Disco Elysium level social awareness :lt-dbyf-dubois: