Honestly hilarious imo

"What a spiteful little bitch you are Putin." - Ritaredditonce +2900

"I'm starting to think this Putin guy might be a bit of a twat." - RudigherJones +413


EDIT - Also I'd like to thank y'all for the amazing thread we've got going here. Real mix of comedy and quality discourse on the material situation

  • Awoo [she/her]
    2 years ago

    In my opinion a collapse must not happen in the conditions that we currently see in the world. It would be taken over by the western imperialists and turned into another front against China which is their true target.

    I think the major marxist victories in the past have occurred in these ways:

    1. WW1 + 2. Soviet Union and China. These victories could not have been won without such large distractions sucking up resources of the imperialists.

    2. Supported by Soviet Union. Many of the african and middle east victories.

    3. Blindspot. These marxist victories were accidents that the imperialists weren't paying enough attention to and didn't realise the significance of until too late. (Cuba for example)

    Russia will not be a blindspot to the imperialists. It can only be won by communists at a time when the imperialists are in such deep crisis and/or distraction that they can not interfere. Until that time arises I oppose any attempt to collapse it as it will absolutely not work out in our favour.

    It is not enough that revolution occurs, it must occur in the correct conditions for marxists to be the winners of it.

    • A_Serbian_Milf [they/them]
      2 years ago


      A current revolt with the imperialists fixated on Russia would 100% be quickly taken over by color revolution liberals and their fascist militant arm even if it didn’t start out that way. A communist revolution in Russia will only occur after the imperialist nations collapse or are infighting

      • Awoo [she/her]
        2 years ago

        This is partially why I think China has been pushing so hard on the sovereignty issue.

        If national sovereignty is respected and outside interference in countries is stopped then homegrown communist revolutions legitimately become possible. As it currently stands it is fucking impossible because homegrown revolutionaries can rarely compete with the CIA and their funding/support for opposition.

        • A_Serbian_Milf [they/them]
          2 years ago

          Problem is there isn’t much you can do to counteract spook shit except your own counter-spook shit. Otherwise you are just naively believing the lies of their politicians saying they aren’t up to anything, and you are a sitting duck for their actions.

          China can say to respect sovereignty all day long, but at the end of the day the US can just coup Pakistan their “iron brothers” and ally and China just sits there doing nothing

          China is going to need to emerge from their cocoon of ignoring geopolitical realities, shielded by their economic ties to the west

          • Awoo [she/her]
            2 years ago

            I agree. It is a misguided position.

          • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
            2 years ago

            See and I think they do focus their spook shit, but it is entirely on buying American politics. Even American conservatives especially the biggest employers, cannot resist the siren song of China's cheap markers, and so will never truely get rid of that economic and political relationship.

            Basically their position is still on trying to keep that shielding up, which makes sense for them militarily.

        • s0ykaf [he/him]
          2 years ago

          As it currently stands it is fucking impossible because homegrown revolutionaries can rarely compete with the CIA and their funding/support for opposition.

          let's not overrate the CIA, they're not an all-powerful entity

          i know we talk about the blunders that happened during trump's term as if they were his own, but imperialism is weakening and has been so for the past few years regardless of who happened to be in charge