• star_wraith [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Stalin* is responsible for about 800k deaths give or take. Fine, not great and we can talk about the context of the great terror and all, but 800k puts him behind US presidents like LBJ (just for Jakarta Method stuff, like 1 million killed), Truman (well more than 1.5 million North Koreans, he gave full support to Rhee who killed hundreds of thousands more), Eisenhower (Korea and getting us into Vietnam), Nixon (I don't even know how many killed, well into 7 figures and probably approaching 8), and I'm sure W was well over a million too. Stalin gets slandered as a mass murderer on par with Hitler meanwhile US presidents gets schools and parks named after them and are generally considered good leaders and any millions of deaths isn't their fault or the fault capitalism, just a little oopsie doopsie.

    *- and yes, I get Stalin was just the head of a democratic apparatus and it's kinda bullshit to blame him personally for all those deaths but still, the buck stops with him and even within the halls of power in the USSR, let's not pretend Stalin didn't have outsized power and influence.

    • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      I just wanted to point out that the numbers you gave for the u.s are all foreign deaths and not domestic deaths whereas the deaths caused by Stalin* are primarily domestic deaths.

      A better answer would focus on domestic deaths in the u.s under each president, such as fatalities in the death camps America calls prisons, fatalities from lack of medicine, exposure, starvation, etc. Everything the U.S.S.R addressed to promote the general welfare of the Soviet peoples that the U.S.A failed and still fail to do to this day.

    • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
      2 years ago

      It helps that they exported their kills somewhere to some far away country in the Periphery, in some conflict or atrocity most Americans aren't aware about. Even Vietnam is mostly just remembered for being hell on the troops (and oh-so-funny fortunate son memes), never mind that stuff like My Lai was the norm, not the exception. To a lesser degree, same applies to Iraq and Afghanistan.

      Though, I'd say allowing the existence of the Jim Crow terror regime to continue at home in the South (to say nothing of the racist shit the West and North were doing) contradicts that for all presidents prior to LBJ. Libs will excuse that with something like "America was super racist and they had to politically maneuver" and they're right in a way, which is why I'm not just holding them accountable as individuals but the (bourgeois) democratic body they represented.

      • Gamer_time [he/him]
        2 years ago

        :chad-stalin: Did you think that the United Soviet Socialist Republics is not democratic?

        CIA document on Stalin: "Stalin, although holding wide powers, was merely the captain of a team-..."

        • President_Obama [they/them]
          2 years ago

          The captain of a team in the sense of his Stalinist clique. No dictator is the sole god emperor, no dictatorships work like that. I know not a single credible historian who doesn't describe Stalin as a dictator. The CIA there wasn't calling it a blossoming democracy.

          This does not diminish the accomplishments of the USSR.