They've got the vibe right, which is all that matters to me. Feels like middle earth.

I'm a casual in the lore, I have the silmarillion but i use it to just look up shit in the movies while theyre namedropping stuff i dont know the context of. So I can't really vouch for how well they've kept everything intact, but it seems solid from my light knowledge.

But, yeah, it's got the vibe and if you like the way middle earth feels then I recommend the show.

Was not expecting to like it, but here we are

  • GrumpigPoopBalls [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I’m a deep deep deep Tolkien lore nerd, and I’m honestly surprised by how little some of the (fairly egregious) lore breaks are bothering me. It just feels like an enjoyable show that still manages to FEEL like Tolkien even if it ends up going against established character history/background. That’s not to say that there aren’t things that have made me angry, but it’s definitely turned out to be good so far.

    • Invidiarum [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      For me, the only time I really was :jesse-wtf: was Gil-Galad being a huge dumb-ass (denying the existence of your enemy is such a trite trope by now) and sailing to the west is both a privilege to be doled out and doubling as an exile for annoying people ?!? But I'm also surprised how easily I just could go along with the rest

    • Mardoniush [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Yeah, it's deeply annoying at some points, and I have some issue with the direction some characters have been taken (though the actors are great and clearly commit to the roles) but it's fine Tolkien fan fic, certainly better than the Wheel of Time adaptation (which's fine) . I rate it around Shadows of Mordor quality.