They've got the vibe right, which is all that matters to me. Feels like middle earth.

I'm a casual in the lore, I have the silmarillion but i use it to just look up shit in the movies while theyre namedropping stuff i dont know the context of. So I can't really vouch for how well they've kept everything intact, but it seems solid from my light knowledge.

But, yeah, it's got the vibe and if you like the way middle earth feels then I recommend the show.

Was not expecting to like it, but here we are

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I'll wait a few more episodes and see the feedback of those before I give it a try. I'm not saying I know for certain whether I'd enjoy it or not, but when something Tolkien makes deliberate noise about how it required a "sex advisor" I'd rather not sit through more of the Gambo show with a Tolkien reskin, especially if it has even more, say, (CW: sexual violence)


    full frontal Ye Olde Gaynge Raype for "illustrative" purposes and totally not for hog feeding, featuring real visible distress from the contract-coerced actress in it.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Who is organised by the screen actors guild, and their job is more as an advocate for the actors, making sure they are actually informed about the detailss and actually consenting to any intimate scenes sexual or otherwise, rather than tell them how to do sex scenes.

        So they’re the people stepping in to tell writers and directors their scene is fucked up rather than suggesting fucked up scenes. I imagine those headlines were the media misunderstanding (or intentionally distorting) that now very common jobs role.

        When the banker trust fund failson directors of Gambo were drooling over a contract-coerced actress and her actually-real-and-not-acting visible distress during a sexually violent scene she didn't anticipate but had to do anyway, it would have been nice to have such a coordinator. Or better yet, for those failsons to be made to take a long walk off a short pier.

    • Dingdangdog [he/him,comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      It's way more chill than that so far, but yeah better safe than sorry if it gets to you.

      One of the reasons I'm liking it though is the lack of that shit

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        2 years ago

        One of the reasons I’m liking it though is the lack of that shit

        That sounds promising to me so far.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Pretty goofy and tame.

        I find grimdark for grimdark's sake pretty goofy, especially since the gimmick's been in its modern form since at least 1995, but I get you.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            2 years ago

            Good. But since you said that it was "goofy and tame" I wanted to point out that grimdark can also be pretty goofy, especially when done for its own sake as a matter of course.