I’m playing through the remake now and getting intensely anticapitalist vibes

  • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
    2 years ago

    Oh yeah no it's really explicit.

    spoilers for the parts of the game not yet covered in the remake

    Problem is, it doesn't stick the landing. Barret's character arc is that he eventually realizes that eco terrorism is bad, which sucks. But I'm also willing to bet that will change in the remake

    • silent_water [she/her]
      2 years ago

      they've been grappling with that subject a lot so far and they've gone the opposite direction - i.e. Shinra is explicitly to blame for the unintentional loss of life, not the protagonists. so if they try to swing all the way back around to "eco-terrorism bad", they'll have a muddy mess on their hands and it won't resonate.

      that said, given that it's Tetsuya Nomura directing this (of Kingdom Hearts fame), a muddy mess is guaranteed by the end.

        • silent_water [she/her]
          2 years ago

          it's quite simply too big brained for me. I'm just not smart enough to understand Kingdom Hearts. it's at least one level too far above and beyond; maybe more, I wouldn't know, it's over my head.

          • forcequit [she/her]
            2 years ago

            Dunkeys video is a perfect summation tbh

            Really enjoyed 1, fell off the bandwagon thereafter

          • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
            2 years ago

            If I could have kingdom hearts without most of the Disney stuff I would be so happy. My favorite is Birth By Sleep, which is absolutely insane gibberish to introduce you to several characters that have actually been driving this nonsense plot the whole time

    • Soap_Owl [any]
      2 years ago

      The do say ecoterrorism is bad. But then they go to directly to kill the source of the probelms so revolution is still on the table.

    • ALiteralWrecker [they/them]
      2 years ago

      Wait, the remake only covers the first disc of the original? You’ve gotta be fucking kidding

      • Vncredleader
        2 years ago

        It its not cheap about it. They make that disc one feel like a great fulfilling game in its own right

      • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
        2 years ago

        Not the whole first disc, just the Midgar portion. But with the detail it goes into, and with how modern AAA rpgs can't really get away with the same level of abstraction they used to, it honestly feels like it works really really well, outside of a few small sections that could have easily been cut. Also, there are aspects of the Compilation that were added where it makes sense.

        The whole game is going to be covered in a total of 3 games, apparently