
Only by killing Putler will the evil plaguing Ukraine end. Link:

    3 months ago

    Hah, that punk mf Alcolris really tried to argue with me the other day that he's not a gamergater after he totally unprompted, brought up Sweet Baby Inc in reference to Blackrock; then immediately thought I was calling him a nazi after calling him on it and pearl-clutched over that. (I mean, gamergaters are like 97% nazi so the allegation didn't even need to be made from my end, it's just hilarious to me to see a cracker self-snitch like that. Think they call that an 'unforced error'.)

        3 months ago

        Oh to peckerwoods like him you know that's the case! This is the kind of G*mer™ (divines forgive me for letting such a filthy word pass the temple of my lips) that believes the MOMENT a melanated character turns up on screen, the given media is unforgivably 'political' and deserves review-bombings at best, and death threats at worst.