
Only by killing Putler will the evil plaguing Ukraine end. Link:

  • Skeleton_Erisma [they/them, any]
    3 months ago

    I've said before when I got into an argument with a discord mod from a big server and I'll say it here since lemmee seems to be clueless...

    You can't just say "free speech" and then let fascists into your group. The moment you include fascists, your group is fascist- and how you address that is both a test of your character and integrity.

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      3 months ago

      The moment you include fascists, your group is fascist

      Eh. I agree with this in theory. But in practice, I'm all too familiar with the Reddit discourse that tags anti-war groups and pro-Palestinian groups and "tankies" with the Fascist brush. As with any censorship policy, the reality is in the eye of the administrator.

      You can cultivate an absolutely toxic brew of fascist dickery while waving a big "No Fascists Allowed" banner. Hell, that's been the Israeli model for the last 80 years. Do Fascism. Call anyone who complains a Fascist.

      • Skeleton_Erisma [they/them, any]
        3 months ago

        No you actually bring up a very good point.

        Especially considering when I initially argued that to the mod, it was in the context of Ukraine in now they allowed nafo and azov fascists sit side by side with people who were genuinely demanding a ceasefire.

        I do agree there's more to moderation than flying a "no fascists allowed" banner. Mods in this server I had this spat in was part of a vaguely left leaning (mostly Americans) space.

        I expected them to actually have the principles and integrity they self claim to have. But as you mentioned, they're actively cultivating an absolutely toxic brew of fascism while claiming in their server rules "no n*zi shit".

        I actually had the misfortune of dealing with one personally in their server. Some nafo pfp hog, in a roundabout way, essentially Said "thacker pass ndns should just move so America can have the lithium, it's for the sake of progress"

        Like imagine how pissed they would get if I said something similarly hurtful to Ukrainians...

        • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
          3 months ago

          Like imagine how pissed they would get if I said something similarly hurtful to Ukrainians...

          Hardly have to imagine. Russian media says shit like this all the time and they go through the roof over it.

      • GarbageShoot [he/him]
        3 months ago

        You're just talking about appearances and not the reality of the thing

    3 months ago

    Hah, that punk mf Alcolris really tried to argue with me the other day that he's not a gamergater after he totally unprompted, brought up Sweet Baby Inc in reference to Blackrock; then immediately thought I was calling him a nazi after calling him on it and pearl-clutched over that. (I mean, gamergaters are like 97% nazi so the allegation didn't even need to be made from my end, it's just hilarious to me to see a cracker self-snitch like that. Think they call that an 'unforced error'.)

        3 months ago

        Oh to peckerwoods like him you know that's the case! This is the kind of G*mer™ (divines forgive me for letting such a filthy word pass the temple of my lips) that believes the MOMENT a melanated character turns up on screen, the given media is unforgivably 'political' and deserves review-bombings at best, and death threats at worst.

  • plinky [he/him]
    3 months ago

    outside of the obvious, democratic election in russia with free debate will elect someone who will nuke ukraine

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      3 months ago

      Hell, the democratic elections in our own #Blessed United States with Free Debate and Open Fair Elections (according to the Freedom Fairness Founding Fathers Index Of Liberty And Justice) will very likely result in another four years of Dondald "The Cheeto Man" Drumpf. Who the fuck knows what he'll do, now that he's even more senile, fascist, and grumpy than he was back in 2016.

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    3 months ago

    Why doesn't this fucker put their money where their mouth is and go on a Death or Glory run themselves?

    Fucking little chickenshit

  • Weedian [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Oh I thought he was talking about Brandon in the first post