When I presented my solutions to the problems of black people, or when I expressed my philosophy, people said, “Well, isn’t that socialism?” Some of them were using the socialist label to put me down, but I figured that if this was socialism, then socialism must be a correct view.
Huey Newton, Revolutionary Suicide
This is the Whitest Kids back of the bus sketch
"It's like capitalism is the total opposite of what every religion teaches"
Freedom, egalite, fraternity, property rights. One of these shapes is not like the other holes.
(tbh I can definitely do a better critique than this re: property rights and conceptions of freedom, but it wouldn't be that quippy)
:the-podcast: covered this idea
Episode 137: Thought-Terminating Enemy Epithets (Part I) (transcript)Episode 138: Thought-Terminating Enemy Epithets (Part II) (transcript)
:the-podcast: truly never misses. They really do what they say they do on the tin.
reminds me of :party-parenti: expressing his views and people going "thats Marx, isnt it?"