Posting this on the dunk tank so I talk shit.

Like holy fuck man. Every god damn homily is

god is good because he loves us. God loves us because he is good. You need to love good because he loves us. You need to serve god because he loves us.

Repeat for 10-20 minutes.

What is wrong with these people. Do they not teach rhetoric at priest school? God damn it’s pathetic. How do you get your asses handed to you by prosperity gospel preachers despite branding yourselves as the true successors to saint peter or whatever? I’m constantly falling asleep because these monotonous fucks just repeat the same shit every week. And then people in my family have the audacity to be mad because I find someone boring. Sorry, they’re not god, they’re man, they’re allowed to be boring and bad at their jobs.

How do you spend 70-80 years of your life at this shit and think “:soypoint-1: WHOA HE’S TOTALLY GOT A PROFOUND POINT!!!”

I have a lot of problems with religion and specifically Christianity, but the most offensive thing is how boring it is. Is there any denomination that isn’t a total scam that isn’t boring as fuck? I’m willing to become a pesbestarian or Quaker or whatever as long as they don’t waste my hour spewing shit that makes me sleep

    • BodyBySisyphus [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I think it's mistake as an atheist to buy into Christian infighting about the extent to which the Bible is up to interpretation because it doesn't matter. You even end up doing their work for them by saying that sure, the Catholic Church is a genocidal cabal of pedophiles and rapists but you at least have to respect the fact that they believe the Bible is up to interpretation. Why? It's still fundamental to their worldview and the reason their morality has been slower to evolve than the rest of society's over the last 20 centuries.

      I suppose a better and less glib way to frame my original comment would be to say that the Catholic institution's legitimacy depends on their followers believing that the Bible contains the divine blueprint of a moral life and that because the Bible itself is such an insane mass of contradiction and obscure references to a long-dead political structure that the only things that still make sense in the modern era are so banal and obvious that exegesis on them is incredibly boring.

      But there isn't anything untrue about my actual comment and I don't see any reason to buy into the church's myth making that despite all the crime it is engaged in a legitimate intellectual exercise (see @REallyN's comment), nor the Protestant counterclaim that its failings aren't an indictment of Christianity as a whole. It's a testament to how effective their bullshit is that your instinctive response was to treat the accusation that they believe in the divine origins of the Bible as a slander.

        • BodyBySisyphus [he/him]
          2 years ago

          That all seems like a really in-the-weeds direction to go given the original post, and I feel your original comment didn't really reflect what you're saying here but it also seems like we're in violent agreement so :shrug-outta-hecks: