Petty, Stupid Rant Incoming: About 2 months ago, the mother fucking Prophet of Hell World said I was being too negative.

No Stimulus Matt: "GOP will pass some more stimulus before the election." Me: "Probably not. A lot of the base doesn't want it and those that do won't change their vote if they don't get it." Matt: "WHAT DO YOU MEAANN THE BASE DOESN"T WANT IT!?! Everyone wants money and they need to win an election!"

He moved on to another topic. A minute later someone said something about Hurricanes tearing up the country. As someone that worked closely (till last month) with the NWS and emergency resource logistics for storm and disaster zones (east coast), keeping up with the upcoming storm activity was part of my job. We had been on full alert prior to the season trying to secure as many resources as possible, very difficult this year as you might expect, so we were working twice as hard this year in preparation for a very active hurricane season. Also, there's this global warming thing happening making storms much more frequent and destructive so...yeah, might want to factor that in as well.

So Matt downplays the hurricanes, I pipe in Me (chiming in): "Its forecasted to be an 'above average' year." Matt: "DAMN YOU KIDS ARE DOOMERS! BLACK PILLED! This guy and you all need to not be so doom and gloom. No wonder you are all so crazy."

Logged off after that. I got a feeling Bourge Matt is losing touch with the proletariat and the dangers of living in America.

It's dumb to be petty. Seriously, I know and I had almost forgotten about it untilI read the news about the GOP not offering anymore stimulus checks and the earliest 'R' named hurricane in history. Sorry, its bad news I shouldn't celebrate but the Prepper in me feels very vindicated.

Don't upvote this garbage. Hope everyone stays safe and I love (most) of you

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    4 years ago

    I wasn’t here for 2016 but did they do the same thing with Hillary after Bernie lost?

    Yes, during the election night liveshow you could tell they were shocked