Petty, Stupid Rant Incoming: About 2 months ago, the mother fucking Prophet of Hell World said I was being too negative.

No Stimulus Matt: "GOP will pass some more stimulus before the election." Me: "Probably not. A lot of the base doesn't want it and those that do won't change their vote if they don't get it." Matt: "WHAT DO YOU MEAANN THE BASE DOESN"T WANT IT!?! Everyone wants money and they need to win an election!"

He moved on to another topic. A minute later someone said something about Hurricanes tearing up the country. As someone that worked closely (till last month) with the NWS and emergency resource logistics for storm and disaster zones (east coast), keeping up with the upcoming storm activity was part of my job. We had been on full alert prior to the season trying to secure as many resources as possible, very difficult this year as you might expect, so we were working twice as hard this year in preparation for a very active hurricane season. Also, there's this global warming thing happening making storms much more frequent and destructive so...yeah, might want to factor that in as well.

So Matt downplays the hurricanes, I pipe in Me (chiming in): "Its forecasted to be an 'above average' year." Matt: "DAMN YOU KIDS ARE DOOMERS! BLACK PILLED! This guy and you all need to not be so doom and gloom. No wonder you are all so crazy."

Logged off after that. I got a feeling Bourge Matt is losing touch with the proletariat and the dangers of living in America.

It's dumb to be petty. Seriously, I know and I had almost forgotten about it untilI read the news about the GOP not offering anymore stimulus checks and the earliest 'R' named hurricane in history. Sorry, its bad news I shouldn't celebrate but the Prepper in me feels very vindicated.

Don't upvote this garbage. Hope everyone stays safe and I love (most) of you

  • fojazone [any]
    4 years ago

    they say don't worry, just grill, there aint gonna be no hurricane.

    I say but mr.chapo, I am the hurricane.

    • BDE [any]
      4 years ago

      It's anxiety relieving. I see it more as recognizing a problem and having a plan in case. However, in my experience plans must be flexible and easily disposed when they don't fit the situation at hand.

      Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.

  • jabrd [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I remember that happening. The dude literally said "what's going to be the response when the entire east coast is underwater from hurricanes?" Like it wasn't "what will be the response to increased hurricanes," it was "what will we be the response to NYC being wiped off the map"

  • 90u9y8gb9t86vytv97g [they/them]
    4 years ago

    This is how I felt when they all turned on a dime and started swearing Biden would win.

    I wasn't here for 2016 but did they do the same thing with Hillary after Bernie lost?

    To me it really seemed like he'd lose the whole time. Trump is in power and glad to do anything to keep it with no repercussions. The only repercussion is for him NOT abusing power to win, so of course he will.

    Feels very weird to hear them say Biden will win, though I guess they're saying it less often now with him dropping in polls.

    • CyborgMarx [any, any]
      4 years ago

      I wasn’t here for 2016 but did they do the same thing with Hillary after Bernie lost?

      Yes, during the election night liveshow you could tell they were shocked

      • 90u9y8gb9t86vytv97g [they/them]
        4 years ago

        He didn't run the same campaign, he didn't run a campaign.

        Hillary's was smug and entitled, assuming the female, black, hispanic, youth vote.

        Biden's assumes nothing, promises nothing, and sits silently in his basement on the hopes Trump does enough unlikable shit to lose.

    • FieriDepthsofHell [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Biden's not dropping in the polls though. Like Rasmussen came out with one that had him 8 up in Wisconsin.

      Biden should win - Great Depression II, 200k dead, constant civil uprisings. No incumbent would be expected to survive this. The only reason people (correctly) aren't 100% sure about it is voter suppression and outright theft.

      • Steel_Wool [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        This is assuming voting US citizens do logic and have rational responses to events...

  • communistthrowaway69 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    We're reaching a point in time where you don't really even need a brain. Your can just say, "it's bad, and will get worse," and the only way you're going to be wrong is that things get worse faster than you said they would.

    Extreme negativity is currently just an accurate assessment of the current situation. The optimistic outcomes are still catastrophic.

    I try not to bring everyone down around me, but any sober look at the facts is fucking harrowing.

    You can't even "grill pill" if you wanted to. If this shit isn't directly touching you at this point, you must have fucking wings.

  • gayhobbes [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Some folks in this space can be real dark. I don't know if you are. But I feel like I spend a not insignificant time on here just trying to keep the darkness from enveloping things.

    I have no idea what your interaction with Matt was, I don't know how you approached it, but he wasn't wrong about the stimulus. He's got two more months to be proven wrong, and the base DOES want it.

    As to the hurricane thing, my understanding is that global warming means LESS frequent storms, not more.

    I don't think that Matt is bougie, I think he's trying to keep his head above water for his mental health. I believe in planning for the worst but keeping hope alive so that despair doesn't destroy me.

    • Straylight [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      keeping hope alive so that despair doesn’t destroy me.


      Platter of bad takes notwithstanding MC provides me a sanity boost

      • gayhobbes [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Platter of bad takes notwithstanding MC provides me a sanity boost

        People want/need a clear voice to lead them to feel secure or hopeful. Stay strong.

  • grillpilled [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I don't get what matt was wrong about.

    Isn't there going to be another stimulus cheque? I thought that republicans and democrats already agreed about it and they're just arguing about the amount for dependants right now. I might be wrong about that. Is the problem that it might not happen before the election, and matt said it would happen before the election?

    And about the hurricane thing, I remember it like jabrd does, but I guess we could find the twitch video and rewatch it with the chat to see what really happened.

    Anyway, matt is always aware that he could be wrong, and these are predictions about the future so of course he's going to be wrong about stuff sometimes and have to touch poo. He's the prophet of doom but he's trying to stay more positive now and thinks that our only hope is acting like things can get better even if they can't.

    I'd probably agree with your predictions more than matt's, but I think that matt is very worried about the same things as you and is just trying to be positive because he thinks we'll get a better outcome from that. Matt is, as far as I can tell, the chapo who cares the most about or at least talks the most about climate change. He uses it all of the time as the example of the biggest threat to humanity.

    Matt said in his last stream that, whenever he yells at the chat, he's not actually yelling at the chat. He's yelling at his past self or parts of his current self that he's trying to change. I think this means that, since he yelled at you, he is worried about the same things as you and is trying to convince himself that thing can get better.

    Give him another chance if you can! I've been yelled at for my questions too. As long as he's not yelling at you for gaslighting him about his sound/video quality, I think it's kind of a compliment for him to yell at you because it means he identifies with what you're saying. He argues with other chapos in the same way, so he's just treating you the same way he would treat, say, virgil.

    • Norm_Chumpsky [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The latest Senate draft of the stimulus bill does not include a check. While logically it would make sense for them to do another one to help with the election, they obviously don't give a fuck. It's been 5 weeks since the unemployment expansion expired and they don't seem concerned at all.

    • Steel_Wool [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Nah, he's got a few dollars in his account and is trying to preserve his mental state by being 'optimistic'. He's gone off the deep end being high off his own presumed intellect ever since the cushvlogs took off. He needs to get over hearing himself talk. He found and audience to listen to him talk and is contented in his reality now. He see's less need to agitate now that he is personally secure.

    • hagensfohawk [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Yea. The bit about the number of named storms is made for headlines. It's true that were on record pace for number of named storms, but the ACE this season (which is a measure of cumulative energy of storms) is almost exactly average. So we've had lots of storms, but they have been weaker than average.

      And there will be more stimulus. It's just a matter of time.

  • throwawaylemmy [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Having not seen the video (and being the resident Matt-lover here): I feel you're paraphrasing a bad interaction.

    “GOP will pass some more stimulus before the election.” Me: “Probably not. A lot of the base doesn’t want it and those that do won’t change their vote if they don’t get it.” Matt: “WHAT DO YOU MEAANN THE BASE DOESN"T WANT IT!?! Everyone wants money and they need to win an election!”

    He's not wrong here, bb: Literally EVERYONE (beyond "#resistance" shit libs) wants the stimulus. Either to pay rent, or to put the money in savings (or buy a PS4, as the case of the previous stimulus for one person I know). NOBODY besides "CHEETO-MAN BAD" folks are gonna turn down free money. So I (and I guess Matt by proxy) feel you're wrong in regards to "the base not wanting it." Because with mass evictions going on: PEOPLE NEED that money. The thing is, the DNC/GOP are squabbling over this shit (and going on vacation before being called back, hello last month!) and NOT giving the stimulus out.

    The status is: They agree something needs to be done. (How do I underline?) _BUT_ the "needs to be done" way is where they disagree.

    As for the hurricane: Without the VOD/chat log it's hard to say where you/he disagree there. Having been in previous seasons, I'll lean toward Matt in the sense that "the season won't be THAT bad." Yeah, it'll be active, a lot of them will be storms. Flooding/etc is gonna be crazy, that's terrible. BUT in the context of mass destruction/property damage, it's probably not (and this is a prediction of course) gonna be that bad. No worse than previous years/seasons. I wouldn't necessary go "DAMN YOU KIDS ARE DOOMERS!" but I do think you're chicken-little-ing a little too much about the current season.

    Yeah there is a worry about climate change and the effects on the hurricane season. _BUT_ I don't think the current season is gonna be an apocalypse/other word which is what Matt (I think) was trying to get at.

    (Apparently underscores are italics... I hate Markdown so much. I wish I had [u][/u] HTML/BBCode. sigh)