I moved about halfway across the country for work, but training got canceled this week do to weather. I'm currently living in a (very weird) airbnb in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do and would like some more podcasts to listen to. Currently I am a big fan of Trillbilly Worker's Party and I grudgingly listen to Chapo but a lot of their casual sexism is pretty off-putting.

  • grillpilled [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Street Fight Radio. It's the podcast that birthed chapo. No casual sexism. They're fans of the trillbillies. It's very relaxed and entertaining.

    They have one normal show per week and one call-in show. The call-in show has lately been people talking about their horrible bosses and people talking about what it's been like at protests.

    They're anarchists, but there's nothing in there that any kind of leftist would object to. It's the most entertaining podcast that I listen to.