Also related

  • dead [he/him]
    2 years ago

    We've seen this type of thing before. Between 2005 and April 2009, Bill O'Reilly demonized Doctor George Tiller for 29 episodes of Fox News, repeatedly referring to him as "Tiller the Baby Killer". George Tiller was assassinated by an anti abortion extremist on May 31, 2009.

    • OrionsMask [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      This shit is so fucking infuriating

      They call for death again and again, get it, no consequences, if we were to do the same against them, it would almost certainly be used as an excuse for all-out war and a purge in retaliation, supported by "civility" libs

      It all seems so hopeless

      • AcidSmiley [she/her]
        2 years ago

        I kinda doubt that one of the biggest national news anchors openly calling for terrorism against hospitals would fly anywhere else in the west besides Hungary or Poland. Maaaaybe in the UK, but even there the rampant transphobia in the press is hidden behind a thick layer of concern trolling. Being as blatant as this is qualitatively different, it's much further ahead on the road towards open extermination. Republicans have moved beyond trying to push us out of the public and social murder us by medical gatekeeping like the transphobes here in Europe do, this is actively working towards an anti-queer Reichskristallnacht. They've been steadily escalating like this for months now and we shouldn't downplay it with "meh, all bourgie democracies are fascist anyway".

        It's also important to note that they're copying the anti-abortion playbook here and what that means for medical care. Protesting clinics, whether violently or "just" with vigils of evangelicals harassing patients, is a huge part of getting abortion clinics to shut down even in places were Roe is upheld. This method is employed by forced birth clerico-fascists in the EU as well, and it has massively reduced the number of doctors offering abortions in some countries. If they cannot outlaw it, they go for this route of making access to treatment harder.

        So what does it mean when Republicans want to expand this form of militancy to trans health, now that they begin to view the battle for forced birth as one they have already won? I can only speak about the situation in Europe, but i do not imagine the American medical system to be significantly better, especially in red states. Trans healthcare already is strained, it already is a hassle trying to find doctors experienced with trans patients even for "minor" stuff like laser hair removal or HRT. It gets a lot harder when we're talking stuff that requires highly trained specialists, like bottom surgery. Many of these treatments are a matter of life and death for most of us. There are trans people without dysphoria, but for the majority of us, qualified medical care is absolutely required to live humanely. Wanting to transition and not being able to is a surefire recipe for suicide. I'm not saying this to be transmedicalist, trans people can be valid if the sight of their beard doesn't want to make them to unalive, but that means they're the exception, not the rule. And yes, being trans isn't all about dysphoria and mysery even for dysphoric, binary trans people like me, but the suffering is real for us - and it could be easily fixed if it was just made easier for us to transition. The average trans person absolutely needs medical care to live a normal life, or to even stay alive at all long-term. Normally this shouldn't be a problem, these treatments exist, it's not that hard to help us, but in many jurisdictions, there's just a handful or maybe even just one clinic in the entire country offering bottom surgeries. Further restricting access to them by making direct action against trans health care a thing is nothing but genocidal.

        • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
          2 years ago

          This is a great post and thanks for sharing.

          All I'd add is that part of the reason that basically open calls for terrorism in the US are more accepted is simply that materially acts of terrorism are the norm in the US: mass shootings, clinic bombings, militia standoffs etc. There's a peverse level of normalisation there. Then throw in the fact that it's a culture based on mythical revolutionary narrative - tree of liberty refreshed with blood etc etc - as opposed to countries like the UK where the central narrative is that we are the dominant culture and terrorism is something done to us by 'bad people'.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Liberals refuse to discuss what the solution to the problem of fascists is because they refuse to adapt or entertain the idea that the system they support can become fascism.

      The fascists will grow and grow until they reach a size at which they can take over. This is how they operate. The solution to this is either re-education, call it rehabilitation if that makes them feel better but ultimately it's rounding up the fascists and re-educating them... Or it's waiting until the inevitable happens and the bullet needs to be used against them instead.

      The communist approach of re-educating the fascists before things become a problem is far far better but they've made a completely unnecessary boogeyman out of re-education when they already do EDUCATION in the first place so now what? The only outcome is bullet or fascism.

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          2 years ago

          Always worth remembering that the extreme ideology that a lot of Muslim terrorist groups adhere too is derived from the official state interpretation of Islam that the Saudis export all over the globe in the form of free schools and textbooks for anyone who asks. Ever since at least the Afghan extremists during the Soviet/Afghan war the US has been funding and spreading the most extreme violent and reactionary interpretation of Islam.

          • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
            2 years ago

            Is my brain melting or wasn't the US exporting wahhabism etc with such fervour in the 70s/80s that extremist textbooks were being printed and produced by the University of Kentucky or Tennesse or some such?

            • Frank [he/him, he/him]
              2 years ago



  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    2 years ago

    This is literally the text book of how you start sectarian killings and genocides. Get some talking head on the news to egg people on for years until they finally hit a critical mass and it turns in to actual death squads.

  • TankieTanuki [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Comrade Tucker calls for direct action against hospitals which refuse to provide gender-affirming healthcare.

  • Cromalin [she/her]
    2 years ago

    i love living in a fascist society it's my favorite thing i can't imagine anything better and i hope we stay like this forever and nothing ever improves and everything just gets shittier till the day we all die in a climate disaster

  • Possum [it/its]
    2 years ago

    Possum says Tucker Carlson should expect polonium poisoning

  • pyrpelo [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I say Tucker should expect some adventurism at his house

  • InvaderZinn [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Idiocracy is a goddamn documentary.

    4chan and Fox are the actual mainstream media, I hate it here.