The UK is a parody country that has effectively managed to synthesise all the worst parts of feudalism and neoliberalism together


  • yoink [she/her]
    9 months ago

    how do you try to do a power pose and come off with literally negative presence

    • Rx_Hawk [he/him]
      9 months ago

      By having never stood for anything nor worked for anything in your entire life.

      • Grandpa_garbagio [he/him]
        9 months ago

        I wonder what they think work even is. Like I get the sense that they consider "work" literally just a mindset and has nothing at all to do with actually doing a job

        • Mardoniush [she/her]
          9 months ago

          Many of them think that work means "making an effort at a task" and not "if you don't sell your labour you will die."

          Sure, some of them labour for long hours when the mood takes them. But they'll never have to work if the mood doesn't take them.

          Want to take the week off? Fine. Boss doesn't like it? Call Dad and have him explain to boss what will happen to his credit cards. Fired anyway? No problem, 6 months in the alps and then a similar gig at the next company.