We're not voting for him libs, get the fuck over it already lol.

  • DasRav [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    You literally cannot imagine a good thing they will do. You cannot get hype for them or invested. They can just 'reduce harm' a little compared to orange Mussolini. That is the horizon of the possible with a vote for Biden and you said it yourself.

    Mark my words though: If Biden wins, there will be no harm reduction. They could have so very easily pushed for harm reduction now when it is already needed and they didn't. They are unwilling to even make a token effort now, before the election. If you think that will change if they win you are in for a disappointment. All they will give the millions of people who need help now is a 'Sorry, we know it's hard' as they do nothing. It is what they have done for decades and it has to stop working.

      • DasRav [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        The Dems do rely on the left to hold their nose and vote for them while offering them nothing. They have done so for decades.

        Note that I explicitly say don't vote for the president. If neither choice is good, don't choose at all. If the left vote can be captured by “probably actively pushing for the same things but sugarcoated”, then the left will never get anything at all.

      • eduardog3000 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        “actively pushing for awful things” vs. “probably actively pushing for the same things but sugarcoated”

        So, awful things in happening in a way that people will be more radicalized by vs. awful things happening but being completely ignored because Biden is so polite about it.

      • DasRav [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Seeing how the cities currently overpaying their militari...oh sorry cops to beat down left-leaning protests, I wouldn't hold my breath there either. They don't care about militias, they only care about putting a thin veil of normalcy over the shit heap that is the US.

        In regards to militias: What will really happen is that, without Trump to embolden them, these militias will go to ground on their own terms and harden their resolve and be back all the stronger in four years.