We're not voting for him libs, get the fuck over it already lol.

  • eduardog3000 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Biden isn't Obama. Biden is the guy who attacked Anita Hill to help get Clarence Thomas approved. Biden is the guy who voted for Scalia. Biden is the guy actively moving to the right in pursuit of Trump.

    • BigBoopPaul [he/him]
      4 years ago

      They're part of a machine. If you think Biden and Obama personally select the candidates rather than "advised", then you've distinctly got a lot more confidence in Biden's mental faculties than I do.

      • eduardog3000 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        The entire party is moving right. Biden's nominee will be indistinguishable from someone like Thomas or Scalia.

        Even if it's not, even if it's fuckin' Obama himself, their decisions will mostly be tacit approvals of our decent into fascism. Just with a couple "how dare you sir"s thrown in to decisions that don't matter too much and were already decided.

        • BigBoopPaul [he/him]
          4 years ago

          If you think Biden is to the right of Trump I don't know what to tell you.

          • eduardog3000 [he/him]
            4 years ago

            I didn't say to the right of. I said their nominees will vote the same on all the issues that matter.

            • BigBoopPaul [he/him]
              4 years ago

              On 90% of issues, sure, but it's that 10% sliver, the one to consider our immigrant and minority allies, that should tip the scales.

        • joshieecs [he/him,any]
          4 years ago

          The entire party is not moving right, the party is moving LEFT and at a good clip. People get tunnel vision on the presidency and the "national" party. The "national" party is really just an illusion. It doesn't exist. It's 57 islamic state parties. The left getting an "upset" on an entrenched incumbent is starting to look less like a series of "upsets" and more like a pattern. And that's without even getting into what has been happening at the state and local level. The left is very much still ascendant in the party, and stopping Bernie took everything they could muster up. It took Obama coordinating a conspiracy with all the other candidates to drop out and endorse Biden, plus the entire national media constantly shitting on him, plus the cheating in Iowa, who knows what else behind the scenes... all that just to stop Bernie. Biden/Harris is probably the last big hurrah for the center-right wing of the party, imo. Though if Biden wins, he will set up a bunch of soulless toads like Pete Buttigieg with White House experience, then they may drag out the death throes a little longer.

          If you look out further than 4 years or so, the boomers start croaking. It's all downhill from there.

          • eduardog3000 [he/him]
            4 years ago

            the party is moving LEFT and at a good clip

            Imagine believing this. A few small wins does not equal moving left. But even those "left" winners happily fall in line behind the national party marching right.

            Biden/Harris is probably the last big hurrah for the center-right wing of the party, imo. Though if Biden wins, he will set up a bunch of soulless toads like Pete Buttigieg with White House experience, then they may drag out the death throes a little longer.

            No, Biden/Harris is enabling the Bush era Republican takeover of the party. What do you think the Lincoln Project is. If he wins, the party will be solidified as a right wing party with a fringe center-left element.

            • joshieecs [he/him,any]
              4 years ago

              It's not "a few small wins" maybe you have not really been paying attention to what is happening in states? It's barely been 3 years since the left wing of the party sprouted up after Bernie put socialism back on the map. On every poll after poll the vast majority of Democratic voters support the major center-left policy goals that comprised Bernie's social-democratic platform.

              No, Biden/Harris is enabling the Bush era Republican takeover of the party. What do you think the Lincoln Project is. If he wins, the party will be solidified as a right wing party with a fringe center-left element.

              Yeah, a bunch of Jennifer Rubin Republicans who claim they are going to vote Biden (who really knows), but it's a mistake to believe they are going to vote straight Dem down the ticket. They may mark Biden at the top, but it will be R's the rest of the way down. That is not a "takeover" of the party. That is an illusion. All of these Biden Republicans you see and hear from are inside-the-beltway grifters who have a vested interest in it some way or another. I don't think there are any real Americans who don't sit on twitter all day that think "I am gonna be a Democrat now because the they're sensible moderates, like those Lincoln Project fellas" Some of them might vote for Joe Biden, but they aren't gonna start marching the isles with the party banner.