We're not voting for him libs, get the fuck over it already lol.

  • RandomWords [he/him]
    4 years ago

    obama already serves as the mark for ineffective democratic leadership, biden isn't going to change that, and it doesn't need to be refreshed. what organizes and drives people left is adversity, which is still there during a dumb ass neo-liberal, but much more apparent under a neo-con.

    four more years of trump gives the shit time to fester to the surface, which is necessary for people to actual realize what the fuck is happening.

    cops have been killing minorities for decades, under obama, under bush, under clinton, the entire fucking time and the whole time it got swept under the fucking rug. that shit only got any real attention because even the mainstream media has to use it as an attack against trump.

    trump being president is like a giant shining light on all that is wrong with america, and that light turns off under biden. you are arguing against logic. stop.