Around here the cheapest places are like $800 for a one bed one bath… And they keep getting bought out, demolished and replaced by luxury apartments that start at twice that.
If it makes that area more expensive, does it make the area the rich person would've otherwise lived at cheaper? Not talking about the insane apartments in London or New York that are for the ultra rich, but the normal apartment complex that is marketed as "luxury"
Around here the cheapest places are like $800 for a one bed one bath… And they keep getting bought out, demolished and replaced by luxury apartments that start at twice that.
"YIMBYs": "That's a good thing, actually. It will actually drive housing costs down because [thinly disguised trickle-down economics]."
If it makes that area more expensive, does it make the area the rich person would've otherwise lived at cheaper? Not talking about the insane apartments in London or New York that are for the ultra rich, but the normal apartment complex that is marketed as "luxury"
Are yimbys in favor of demolition and reconstruction?