• star_wraith [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Meanwhile in the US, senators discuss plans for dealing with climate change:

    Utah Sen. Mike Lee on Tuesday called babies and families the solution to climate change in response to a Democratic plan to overhaul the economy through the Green New Deal proposal.

    “The solution to climate change is not this un-serious resolution that we’re considering this week in the Senate, but rather the serious business of human flourishing,” Lee said. “The solution to so many of our problems, at all times and in all places, is to fall in love, get married and have some kids.”

    • CrimsonSage [any]
      2 years ago

      I hate this shit so much, because I actually agree that people should be able to have more kids, it's like one of the defining features of being a living organism. The oroblem isn't some lack of Christian virtue or modern moral dgneracy though! Everyone is just too fucking poor! Honestly it fucking sucks that there are a huge number of couples that would like to either have a kid, or more kids, who can't because their lives are literally being extracted through exploitation. But God forbid these fucking Christo fascists actually solve a problem, they just want us to make more fucking slaves for them at gun point.

      • InvaderZinn [he/him]
        2 years ago

        God forbid these fucking Christo fascists actually solve a problem, they just want us to make more fucking slaves for them at gun point.

        Well said. I'm Jewish and while there are certainly plenty of assholes like this in my community, I really had a ton of fun meeting people at temple and I have fond memories of Hanukkah. It just makes me sick how people cynically exploit religion as a means to be a giant parasite but walk away as the good guy, then point to a corrupt class of clerics who say your emotional, economic, social vampirism is a-okay.

    • Utter_Karate [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      ...And the kid he got married and had was Stalin. Also he gave a basketball to a young Michael Jordan at some point, but the important thing here is you should all get married and raise a Stalin. It is as he said the solution to so many of our problems.