Prolewiki, the marxist-leninist encyclopedia, removed an administrator who tried to sabotage the project (you can see the evidence in the linked tweet). Therefore he was removed.

It took the infras a few minutes to find the tweet and start brigading it.

What else can I add? Their "huge" community and their "magacommunism" that will totally save the USA has like 920 members in their Telegram. They are less relevant than your local Five Guys that sees more traffic in a half day.

But they deploy a "point and shoot strategy" where one of them will signal your tweet and the rest will swoop in and post the most asinine stuff they can think of (definitely quantity over quality is important), boost each other, and just drown you out.

Hope this is the right community to post in, it was hard to decide.

  • Norm_Chumpsky [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I hate to overused the term "psy-op", but how does such a niche and patently contradictory ideology get so much discussion? Is there anyone who actually believes in this bullshit?

    • CriticalResist8 [he/him]
      2 years ago

      It's no secret that when Infrared started, their comment sections were full of nazbols -- nazbols were their first core audience.

      They're Strasserists and attract the type of person that would be attracted by Strasserism. It's sort of circular reasoning, but I think it takes a very specific kind of mindset to be attracted to that in the first place.

      The people that believe this, if they actually do (it's looking more and more like an op, Haz might probably be an informant lol), haven't done any research past what infrared tells them. They can't even use the jargon properly lol.

      Thing is they also act like this on purpose, this is their M.O. Just put out tweet after tweet to drown you out, it doesn't matter what they say or how they look saying it. They literally have no shame; I'm not saying this as the expression but as a literal sentence lol.

      They make themselves look bigger than they really are. Their telegram channel has barely 920 members, but interacting with them you'd think they're thousands in the whole country.

    • MerryChristmas [any]
      2 years ago

      I read an article here before all this patsoc stuff took off about "the new populist right" and it briefly mentioned Infra and maybe one of the Red Scare ladies? It was ages ago and I don't recall the details but it basically focused on a group of young influencers at some GOP event with a plan to build a NazBol movement. I've been thinking about it a lot lately and I wish I could remember who shared it.

    • CriticalResist8 [he/him]
      2 years ago

      So, full disclosure, I'm on the Prolewiki admin team. We're a marxist-leninist encyclopedia (and strictly marxist-leninist) whose mission is to make accessible proletarian education. We have articles on marxist concepts, as well as ideologies, capitalism, people, countries, parties, etc. Basically anything one would need to know to become a marxist-leninist or get a marxist perspective on things.

      While growth has been slower than we would have liked, in 2 years of existence we have 73 registered editors (on the English instance, the most active) and around 4-5 of them do a ton of work on the wiki. We quickly surpassed Leftypedia in terms of content (before it suddenly went offline). We have 1670 articles and while many are only stubs, many others are full articles of their own. We also have a library to host texts.

      The story with the admin was that we knew about his tendencies for a while (they were pretty evident) but he was also helpful on a lot of stuff -- and he seems to have developed into them later. He went behind our back, completely blindsiding us, and so we felt we had no choice but to remove him.

        • CriticalResist8 [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Yes MZT, but generally not Hoxhaist, Maoist, absolutely never Trot and non-Marxist.

          To us MZT is a continuation of Marxism-Leninism, specifically to the development of China.

            • CriticalResist8 [he/him]
              2 years ago

              In "traditional" ML (which we have to specify now because of those patsocs clowns), MZT is an addition to Marxism-Leninism and Mao did not make sufficient advancements, and never claimed to make them, to move towards Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. He only wrote for China and never claimed to do anything other than MLism. This is probably not news to you and we're on the same page, but this is also the stance prolewiki takes and we try to reflect that on our pages.

              We uphold Mao as a great figure of marxism but also recognize his praxis is not universally applicable, which is I think the major difference with MLMism.

              Our article on Hoxhaism is super short:, and party filled by our one Hoxhaist user (who does good work but we had to put a moratorium on some stuff).

  • HoChiMaxh [he/him]
    2 years ago

    jucheguevera is a great handle. That shit was just sitting there I can't believe I never saw it

    • CriticalResist8 [he/him]
      2 years ago

      A collective of content creators, led by Haz who's also their most known figure. He's known for having terrible takes about most things and generally being a joke (for example he confidently said women have "two holes below the waist" on stream, or saying only industry workers are proletariat and service workers don't count).

      Recently they've been pushing "MAGA Communism" which... didn't go over well at all over on truth social (Trump's twitter). I think they're trying to distance themselves from the shitshow that was the CPI (the Maupin think tank) after the abuse allegations came out against Maupin and they dissolved the CPI.

      • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
        2 years ago

        Haz actually had an account here at one point. The guy tried to worm his way into this community early on, a couple years ago. He got banned relatively quickly. :che-smile: These guys operate exactly like the fucking feds. They will try to embed themselves in any organization they can and attempt to steer them for their own ends.

        • CriticalResist8 [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Lmao, that's all they can do. They were also on lemmygrad for a while until we said enough and banned them all at once.

          They have no party. They have no popular base. They do not do anything materially. But they yell and yell about being the future of communism while being unable to use any of the vocabulary.

          Not one word in good faith out of them.

  • CyberSyndicalist [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    wouldn't matter if they succeeded anyway because the proletariat is never going to read a site called prolewiki

  • CriticalResist8 [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Hey mods just checked the log, FYI that is not the real jucheguevara lol. I've worked with him for a year and he took the removal well, it's pretty funny seeing infras infighting though.

  • counsel [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    I only understand the connecting words in this headline, such as "the", "are", "too" and suchlike. The rest are a Bidenesque word salad.

  • Mindfury [he/him]
    2 years ago

    because some nerd got burningly mad over this thread, i'm going to remind them that Haz is ugly as fuck lmaooooo