I'm really into critical takes on political economy.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    2 years ago

    I have strong opinions about the material requirements for the construction of coats.

    • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
      2 years ago

      You ever seen a Hoxhaist talk theory? I swear "revisionist" may as well be a standard prefix on every single word. Like I remember a (quite cogent) critique of Chinese foreign policy by one I read a couple of years back, and I'd swear some of the sentences were more than 50% composed of the word "revisionist" over and over; for all that their criticisms were on point and the word was used correctly at least most of the time, it was still rhetorically jarring to read things like "revisionist China made the revisionist observation that, the USSR being revisionist, there was no ideological difference between working with the USA and working with the revisionist USSR, thus leading them to their revisionist opening of trade with the USA" (paraphrased from memory).

      I mean there's a historical reason for that, since "Hoxhaism" as a distinct tendency originated when a bunch of Maoists decided that China's liberalization was revisionist just as they'd believed the post-Stalin USSR was, and they aligned themselves more with the rhetoric of Enver Hoxha who'd split to some extent with the USSR over the death of Stalin which he believed to have been an assassination by Khrushchev and Beria IIRC. Although that's the extent of what I know about Hoxhaists and their history as a tendency.

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The classes are as follows: Proletariat ($0-$100,000), Petite-Bourgeoisie ($100,000-$500,000), Bourgeoisie ($500,000-$1M), Mega Bourgeoisie ($1M-$1B), Oligarchs ($1B+). Capitalism is when your society has "oligarchs", socialism is when you have no "oligarchs", and communism is when everybody is a "proletariat".

  • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I think some groups in society have inherently conflicting interests such as landlords and tenants

  • spectre [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I enjoyed watching most of L O S T

    I fucking loved watching the 10 hour youtube series breaking down why it sucks so bad. Same for Sherlock

    I hate on pretty much everything the average person likes, sometimes passionately, sometimes passively, but I hate on the things that I like just the same.