The suggestion that the U.S. caused the damage was circulating on online forums popular with American conservatives and followers of QAnon
Sorry sweaty only conservatives and far-right groups would believe such a silly thing.
That shitty fake RAND document "leaked" on the Web purporting to be about the need for the US to make Germany dependent on it for energy a few weeks before the pipeline got bombed is looking more and more suspect by the day. It's so amateurish, clearly meant to look like a speaker of a Slavic language wrote it, and as far as I can tell originated on Yandex's Google Drive equivalent and got shared in forums frequented by Q/Alex Jones types...
I'd said before it was probably put out there by some CIA flunky so that a "fact checker" can "expose" the "Russian propaganda network" that "fueled" these "insane, right-wing conspiracy theories."
what a :fedposting: classic