Big Bang Theory is a terrible show.

It's not because of "nerd blackface." Fuck you :reddit-logo: for making that the presumed reason for anyone to dislike that show.

It's a misogynistic, cryptoracist, ignorantly ableist (setting back public understanding of autism by years) and lowkey homophobic unfunny mess that is written like the script was printed on plastic sheets made from melted down Funko Pops. Also, the :my-hero: worship is insufferable.


  • Coca_Cola_but_Commie [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I feel like this is the one pop culture issue where I have the most overlap with chuds. TLJ, bad. The Force Awakens? Also bad. Solo? Bad.

    I liked Rogue One. It was bad too, but bad in a way that I still enjoyed it. Like Revenge of the Sith.

    Not because they're "woke" or because "women and male feminists are trying to steal Star Wars from white men." But because they're uncreative corporate products and poorly told stories.

    The rest of this is just whining that I'm a little embarrassed of but not so embarrassed that I'll delete it

    (and, by that metric, TLJ was actually one of the best ones. It was trying to be creative, sometimes. It was just really bad at it). I have not watched and will not watch Rise of Skywalker or any of their Disney+ shows. Though I've seen clips from them and won't hesitate to deem them bad without actually watching them. Even the clips I saw from Mandolorian just seemed awful. I've been hearing good things about the new Andor show, but it's too late to go back now. Fuck em. I even read a bunch of the books in 2015/2016, and they were even worse than I would've thought.

    Exactly two good pieces of art have come out of Disney Star Wars, and they're both novels by Alexander Freed. One's a tie-in to the spin-off game Battlefront, literally titled Star Wars: Battlefront: Twilight Company. The other is the novelization of Rogue One. And they're both weirdly good pieces of character-driven adventure fantasy. A tie-in to a spin-off. Those aren't even meant to be good, they're meant to make a cheap buck. I've read a lot of media tie-in novels in my life, and nearly all of them have been dogshit. Entertaining, sometimes*. But never good. Just seems like some strange miracle that the only bit of new Star Wars media I like comes from the least likely source. It's like... imagine a band you used to like puts out an album you hate, but then you happen to read the little booklet that comes with the CD and find it to be a moving piece of art all on its own.

    *I was a teenager when I read most of them and had a much higher dogshit tolerance.