Big Bang Theory is a terrible show.

It's not because of "nerd blackface." Fuck you :reddit-logo: for making that the presumed reason for anyone to dislike that show.

It's a misogynistic, cryptoracist, ignorantly ableist (setting back public understanding of autism by years) and lowkey homophobic unfunny mess that is written like the script was printed on plastic sheets made from melted down Funko Pops. Also, the :my-hero: worship is insufferable.


    • nabana [they/them]
      2 years ago

      Could not agree more if I wanted to.

      I one hundred percent agree with the general frustration of the people I've been responding to in regards to "technology wizarding our way out of this problem won't happen in a profit driven society", I just don't know how much clearer I can be about my counter argument being "but it is morally reprehensible to discard it for all societies as a result of that, and it is imperative that AES countries take the lead and destroy capitalist ones or let them collapse and decay as soon as possible, and then use that technology to being reversing the damage caused by them so far. Because we're WAY past the point of 'nature healing if we just stop being mean'".