I mean as far as I know it had no long term effects. Shootings aren't exactly rare in the USA, what's the take here?

  • Coca_Cola_but_Commie [he/him]
    2 years ago

    maybe he got burned by the feds somehow like Wortman and raged out

    This is always the explanation I liked the best. People talk about the supposed multiple shooters and imply that the feds did the attack as a false flag, then killed Paddock to stage the crime scene. But that seems complicated, convoluted, and hard to coverup. It makes way more sense to me that instead he had some kind of relationship with the feds (who knows what sort of relationship) he snaps and does the shooting (police being incompetent is no news, and how hard would it be for Paddock to carry a few dufflebags full of weapons up to his hotel room?) then feds deliberately don't investigate to avoid embarrassing themselves in the media.