Seriously what the fuck is this? Googling this specifically because someone in my fam shared a boycott list including Shein and Temu and I thought hang on, what are they doing to fund the genocide in Israel, and saw that it was a boycott for the very real Uyghur genocide
There are quite literally hundreds of websites that index the internet
You would have to change a setting though and I understand why most libs just keep their windows machine on google by default ;)
And yet you still haven't deleted your lib folder. Who's really the liberal
Coming full circle into deciding to ironically keep the folder for the lols is the peak leftist attitude 🥸
Literally every time I use Duck Duck Go I have to go back and try Google to actually find what I'm looking for, so instead it is the other way around, if Google fails, then I try other engines
I have had better and better duckduck searches these days. I used to have to !g a lot more often. Then again it's all subjective and we could be searching for different stuff
I tried using DDG for a while and it was largely garbage. Yandex wants me to do a captcha every single time because I have a VPN enabled.
This really fucks me off because their results are generally good
I just wish I could ask Jeeves
Retvrn to Jeeves.
I switched to DDG recently and its worked at least as well as google. About 3 or 4 years ago I found DDG unusable so they've gotten better and the googs has gotten worse.
Same. Can't remember the last time I asked Google and I use DGD in my studies too. I would only do a Google search now to compare or find a thing that I want to buy close by, in everything else DGD seems to be doing fine for me.
A big thing for me is the UI. Google is cluttered, with the "Other people have searched" and "See results about" and "Related searches" and the suggest words under the toolbar. All that stuff is present, and it's not used all that much. The clutter in ddg is a lot less.
I also find ddg's "Instant Answers" much more useful than the google equivalent. Try searching "calendar 4th of march 2021" in ddg and in google, with ddg you get a little calendar and with Google you just get links to mediocre websites (before eventually getting wikipedia, which isn't as terrible).
Antiwork only asked for a recommendation and didn't suggest antiwork was unwilling to change settings ;)
Sorry if it read like I was calling them a lib.
Just meant I had an understanding of why most people just take the state departments' narrative as fact.
Ah fair enough. Apologies as well, then.