Yes, it's an interview with a gusano. Yes, his family were business owners. Here's the peach:

"One day, my sister came home and exclaimed, 'Fidel is better than Jesus!' In school they had asked the kindergartners to close their eyes and pray to Jesus for ice cream. When they opened their eyes -- nothing. Then they closed their eyes again and prayed to Fidel for ice cream, and ... surprise! Ice cream cups on their desks! I remember my mother's reaction: 'Helado! Que rico!' She totally avoided any other comment for fear of whatever she said making it back to my sister's teacher."

    • Circra [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Lol yeah it is a good one to slap on the table whenever cuba comes up in discussion. It's 100% true as well and with libs it really forces them to dig Guantanamo bay outta the memory hole they chucked it in when Obama took over.

      • RedDawn [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Still kinda crazy that Obama campaigned on closing Gitmo and then got elected and said "syke!"

        • Circra [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Yeah I am just going on my gut here but tbh I genuinely think he prob at least intended to. It seems like a moderately easy enough win with the dem voter base.

          I'd guess the CIA have more power than most people realise and for a list of practical (but still evil) reasons such as not wanting too many ppl to be able to say the worst of what happened and plain evil reasons like there's a decent number of em who just really love getting to torture people they basically put their foot down.