• Lil_Revolitionary [she/her,they/them]
    4 years ago

    I am also in the boat of "lets allow both parties to shit the bed so just maybe people will have to realize the system is beyond broken. I live in a hard-blue state so my vote absolutely doesnt matter but the "if you dont like whats going on, just vote Democrat" argument needs to go away

    • chmos [any]
      4 years ago

      They already did shit the bed. People forgive the material conditions during the first Obama years because he “inherited a mess” or whatever. It will be the same with Biden, but more so. Libs will just forgive him for whatever happens in the next four years and blame it on Trump. They will never stop talking about Trump.

      • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        Some reasons why it was so easy for libs to forgive Obama:

        1. He's incredibly charismatic.
        2. The closest thing to an organized left in 2008 was the progressives who coalesced around his campaign, who he immediately demobilized.
        3. He was able to pass some signature legislation, including at least some attempt to unfuck healthcare and some attempt to address the economy.
        4. The most prominent attacks against him were mixed with a heavy dose of overt racism.

        Each of these things either gave libs some credible reason to excuse Obama or made it more difficult to effectively criticize him from the left. Biden doesn't have any of this, and would take office in a country facing worse material conditions than it did in 2008.