Like obviously they shy away from stigmatized terms like "white supremacist" and "neo-nazi", but if you ask them if they agree with the statement that "it is good that European settlers conquered North America from the native population" they'll probably say yes. And you can't really believe that without being at least kind of a white supremacist.
Not sure how novel of a thought this really is but it's been kicking around in my brain for a bit so I thought I'd post it here
I go further, there is just a baseline background racism in America that if not internally confronted by every white person who benefits than they are likely racist.
Whenever race was the topic of discussion on Chapo, it was a 50/50 split whether they would end up saying some dumb shit. Idk if it was just reaction to liberal race discourse, but goddamn. Culminating in the Matt Taibbi ep in the summer of 2022
I would go even further then you. If a white person has not internally confronted their racism and externally held accountable by a community of nonwhite people, then they are likely racist.
I've heard fellow USites say, in earnest, that :cracker: gave language to the peoples they 'discovered'
I meam yeah. Most libs are too. The bar for white supremacy is a lot lower than a lot of people think. For example if you assume that Western-style education is superior to traditional indigenous education without first having seriously considered the validity of the latter, that's a white supremacist view. You believe deep down that the white Western perspective is inherently superior.
Most liberals are also white supremacists they just think they're allies because they say the words and might even attend a
paradeprotest or two.I remember a pool that said something like 25% of American liberals are against race mixing, lol. All you need is 25% more to be some lesser form of racist.
:us-foreign-policy: like, say, how they fall in line immediately on Ukraine but never gave a shit about Yemen, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc etc.
Their embrace of policing and "refunding" movements despite no refunding happening. The George Floyd protests were a vibe for most of them, they didn't actually understand, commit to, or do anything, but they sure felt self-actualized before returning to support for systemic racism.
So many of them fail the "cross the street if you see a black guy" test.
They commit hardcore to meritocratic or karmic economic justice, but the outcomes fall heavily on racial lines. Some of them put 2 and 2 together and begin/continue harboring racist sentiments rather than question their economic worldview.
Rampant xenophobia.
Rampant sinophobia in particular.
So very much internalized and then externalized racism against people from Latin America.
Don't remember exactly! This one has it at about 12%: