Cults, witches, demons, devils, Satan, that's the type of horror I'm in the mood for. Doesn't need to be English, been watching a lot of foreign horror this month too, but obvs subtitle files will be needed if it isn't streaming.
Nothing too spooky for this brave corgi!
Those last 3 are ones I haven't seen yet, and a friend told me about The Endless a few months ago as a big HPL nerd. Will start there!
I think you'll probably really enjoy all three. They're all very different too.
Changed my mind, throwing on Kill List rn.
Enjoy! :meow-popcorn:
7/10 - cathartic to see the librarian get got, I feel like the cult could have been spookier. On to The Endless!
Glad you enjoyed it.
The Endless was fuckin stellar. 9/10 on that one.
Great! I loved that movie but a few people I showed it to were lukewarm.
I would have loved if they explored what was in the lake more, but that's just cause I'm a sucker for....well, that kind of stuff (spoiler tags confuse me so ill leave it at that). Great atmosphere, some really trippy shit. Had a great time watching!
No I agree, although the subject matter and tone of The Endless definitely also lends it to leaving things as mysterious.
Yeah, absolutely see why that decision was made, and totally respect it.