
  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The one nightmare that has stuck with me the longest is where i was in the woods, and i encountered a worm with blades on either end of it. It jumped on my hand and curled around my finger, slicing it off with the blades, then I woke up.

    I've had other nightmares but they're a lot more mundane. Losing control of my car and careening downhill, someone hurting my cat, and not being able to find my dog are three I've had a bunch.

    edit: I also have the "suddenly realizing you're naked" dream, but credit to my dream self the last time I had it I distinctly remember immediately playing it off like I meant to be naked the whole time. Need that confidence in my waking life.

  • Mabbz [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I was stabbed for some reason and bled to death. I ended up in the afterlife, which was supposed to be heaven but it was completely consumerist. It was some kind huge mall, a lot of white everywhere. People were showing me around and eventually we ended up at a cafeteria and sat down to eat. I said something to the effect of 'isn't it funny that westerners need to be consumers to be satisfied with heaven, but people in the east are happy with meditation and finding inner peace?' Immediately everyone stared at me, and i felt a sense of dread because i knew i was going to hell.

    Later i ended up in some huge warehouse; everything was gray, the place seemed to go on indefinitely but i couldnt tell because there was a white fog. This was some kind of store where you buy things in bulk like costco or something, there are walls of shelves with boxes on them but everything is nondescript. two other guys were there, one was wearing an old school fedora, i think he was smoking a cigarette. They both looked kind of gruff and menacing. I realized that these are refugees, and that i'm one of them. we didnt say anything but we sort of acknowledged each other.

    I started thinking about things i wanted to do before i died, projects i wanted to finish, loved ones who probably missed me. Then i woke up.

    This probably isn't the scariest dream i've had but it's one of the most memorable ones.

  • edwardligma [he/him]
    2 years ago

    i had this dream when i was a kid that a guy parked in our driveway in a bright red old-timey van like an arnotts biscuit van in the middle of the day and then came into the house and started methodically stealing all the stuff from our kitchen pantry, like all the sauces and pasta and biscuits and shit, like he took a whole bunch of trips from the kitchen to his van with our food, and we were there but for whatever reason we were powerless to stop him and could only watch. and it was such a vivid dream that i was utterly convinced for years that this actually happened in real life, and ive confirmed with my parents that "yeah you never used to shut up about the guy that stole our biscuits in broad daylight", and its still so vivid in my mind so many years later and its only because its so patently absurd that im aware that its a bullshit memory. for me its really scary for just how unreliable my own memory is, and worries the hell out of me about how many of my other less obviously ridiculous memories could just be utter bullshit my brain dreamed up then decided was real, like fuck

  • TillieNeuen [she/her]
    2 years ago

    When I was a young teen, I had what I think was a recurring nightmare for a while. I'm not sure, because I could never remember what happened. I would just wake up crying and with an immense feeling of loss. The feeling would stay with me all day, and I never could remember why. Eventually I stopped having the dream, but I'm still a little scared to know what it was about, and what would have made me feel so awful.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Non joking answer:

    In the dream, I was walking through an open plaza between a number of nondescript buildings. There was a hazy light up in the sky. Someone ahead of me warned me not to look up, please don't look up. Someone else nearby looked up, but as they did, a hazy flash of light enveloped them and they vanished with a low thrumming thumping sound. In the distance, someone else looked up and also vanished. I kept walking, but as I did, one by one, more and more vanished with low thrumming thumping sounds...

    I sometimes get close runner-ups that involve some random person going "wrong" and suddenly thrashing violently in reality-bending ways, like flailing their arms while rolling along the side of a wall.

  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    For a few weeks I had waking dreams that freaked me the hell out.

    The ceiling of my bedroom had strips of wood that must have been about one foot wide. Seemingly out of nowhere I had a dream where the lines got fuzzy and were sort of moving and shadowy objects were moving too. A knot of wood maybe about the size of a silver dollar could move about 3 or 4 inches and then go back to where it actually was. An bunch of connected lines on the wood became a moving spider.

    I would close my eyes for a few seconds and when right after I opened them the ceiling would be normal again. But when I opened my eyes - things would move again. There was also a feeling of "compression". I have no idea how to explain that.

    I loved horror movies and sci-fi. I don't remember the details but I watched a crappy movie or a tv show that still managed to scare me by mentioning creatures living on "the other side". This was the 1970s so there wasn't some kind of fantastic CGI stuff. I don't even remember if there were any visuals at all. But I sure did create the visuals in my mind.

    I wasn't a smart kid and I was too proud and too embarrassed to talk to my mom about it. But after a few weeks I finally managed to figure it out and I talked to myself "Stop seeing that scary stuff, dummy."

  • leftofthat [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I had a nightmare as a child that I was in my house jumping around in a giant shoe like in Super Mario Brothers (3?) and then the raptors and T-Rex from Jurassic park showed up. Shit was frightening.

  • Lymbic_System [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    I woke up in a captlism hellscape on the edge of environmental devastation never seen before, worse part was realizing it wasn't a dream.

    Serious answer: I dreamed it was stuck in pipe escaping from the police in the sewers and the pipe kept geting smaller before I couldn't move anymore and i suffocated.

  • American_Communist22 [she/her,comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    I had a vivid fucking dream when I was sick with covid that had some sort of hell suburb a la Wrinkle in Time. There was one house with the most terrifying monster that was a dark green half-face, and the rest of it was just sludge. Sludge and dirt and flesh. It covered the house. I was with people, IDK who they were, but we were sent there. There was another person there keeping us in the house, one that never seemed to end. I ran but I couldn't move

    I couldn't move